All set for Labour Market Seminar Sequel
28 October 2008
In a follow-up to the first leg of the ongoing labour market policy seminars that kicked off three weeks ago, social partners across the spectrum will be gathering for round two of the four-part discussion summits in Boksburg, Ekurhuleni this Friday, 31 October 2008.
The seminar, themed "Reviewing the impact of labour legislation environment on job creation, small business development and economic growth" results from a 20 month-long comprehensive research and evaluation project which the Labour Department had commissioned to some of the country’s leading think-tank organisations until March this year.
The commissioning of the research had been informed by popular debates during a series of roundtable talks in 2006 on the extent to which South Africa's labour environment inhibits/enhances job creation and small business development.
During the preceding seminar that kicked off the current series under the theme "Enhancing Skills Development" on October 10, labour market experts and other participants pondered at length, among others, the current Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETA) landscape and the identification of critical skills.
This week's discussions will focus among others, on the impact of Sectoral Determinations (workplace stipulations) on working conditions and poverty. The media is invited. Details of venue and time are as follows:
Venue: Birchwood Hotel, Boksburg
Date: Friday, 31 October 2008
Time: 13h00 to 18h30
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