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Thread: Please read this before you post in the MLM forum

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Please read this before you post in the MLM forum

    UPDATE: Posted 11th May 2020.

    After careful consideration, the MLM Forum has been closed for further posts. The main contributing factors in the decision are:

    1. The social media environment has changed massively since the forum was first put up in 2006.
    2. There have been very few posts in the past two years that actually meet the basic requirements identified to fulfil the purpose of having the MLM forum in place in the first place.
    3. Virtually every scheme analysed of late did not meet the requirements of a legitimate MLM scheme.

    Accordingly it seems the time and need for this forum area has been and gone.


    The purpose of this MLM forum is to collect, discuss and make available information about multi-level marketing businesses available in South Africa.

    When it comes to specific opportunities, the goal is to ensure people can make an informed decision about whether they might be interested in the opportunity or not. A blank statement that you can make lots of money without information on how you are going to make that money is not enough. The lack of full disclosure up front is one of the big factors that has harmed the reputation of the MLM model in the eyes of many.

    To ensure that this forum remains a useful resource rather than an advertising board, when introducing an opportunity please ensure the following:

    You need to mention the MLM company name.
    It really helps if you mention the company name in the title of the thread. This makes finding relevant information much easier.

    You need to mention the product.
    For the opportunity to comply with legislative requirements, there needs to be a product that is purchased. What is it? What are its features? What are its benefits? How competitive is it compared to similar products available?

    You need to describe the reward structure.
    There are many different reward structures that fall within the MLM industry model. What is yours?

    You need to answer questions.
    Be attentive to queries about the opportunity you have introduced. An easy way to do this is to subscribe to your thread using the Thread Tools. Please answer queries in the thread, not by PM, so that the answers are available for everyone's benefit.

    If you can't be honest and upfront about your opportunity, we really don't want to hear about it here. You may include affiliate links provided you ensure the above requirements are met. Failure to do so may result in your affiliate links being removed or your posts not being displayed.
    Last edited by Dave A; 11-May-20 at 01:29 PM.

  2. Thank given for this post:

    cathi1 (28-Oct-08), Citizen X (13-Apr-14), IanF (28-Oct-08), pmbguy (12-Apr-14), rad (20-Oct-10), wynn (20-Oct-10)

  3. #2
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    Thanks for this, I always look to see if the product sold is a value proposition. The commission part for me is not that important.
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

  4. #3
    Email problem
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    Thanks Dave. I feel more comfortable now as I was confused by some members refering to a post as spam. I will follow these guide lines when posting re MLM.

  5. #4
    New Member Sikhumbuzo's Avatar
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    Thank you Dave. Yes agreed without full disclosure we make the industry seem as a scam.

  6. #5
    Junior Member redcupvideo's Avatar
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    Thanks Dave for this post...but then please explain when will you describe a post as spam? I think many legit MLMers - out of respect - don't want to offend other members by just using the forum as a platform to shout out about their opportunity.

  7. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redcupvideo View Post
    please explain when will you describe a post as spam?
    I see you commented in this thread, and it would seem you might have missed the point there too. Ultimately in that instance Edward has only promoted the program, but told us nothing about it. It's an advert, and an advert only - hence spam.

    Compare that one to this - where the OP reveals much of the key elements of the program. Now that is giving information where a person can start making informed decisions, and there can be intelligent conversation about the merits and weaknesses of the program.

    Ultimately this forum wasn't put up to provide free space for adverts - it was put up to enable discussion and evaluation of opportunities.

  8. #7
    Full Member
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    Thanks man, first time on a forum so still getting a feel for it. I have no shame and nothing to hide in this business. Ask away

  9. #8
    Bronze Member Alice Rain's Avatar
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    Thanks Dave now I know what MLM is, quite relieved my mind was going other places ....

  10. #9
    New Member
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    Thank you for the clarification. I believe I am in compliance. I am very interested in getting some feedback from South Africa!!

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