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  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Telkom technical joke?

    I'm such a fool.

    My ADSL went down this morning at about 8.30a.m. OK. It's happened before.

    Reboot POTS router - no go.

    Try again a half hour later - still no go.

    Call special ADSL technical help number, the one for priority service I pay extra for :

    ME: My ADSL is down.
    TECH: Yes sir. Most of the country is down right now. We are working on the problem.
    ME: When do you expect to have the problem fixed?
    TECH: Don't know yet. Our systems are down too!
    ME: You guys must be hectic with calls.
    TECH: Yes. Don't worry - we're working on it.

    So I get on with work quietly thinking the country must be going a little crazy right now, but at least we're all in the same boat.

    Comes about midday and still no ADSL - so I call a good buddy who has an online business to commiserate.

    ME: Apparently ADSL is down over most of the country.
    BUDD: Sh*t. (He immediately grasps the gravity of the situation). Let me check...... Nope. No problems my side, but my ISP is not Telkomsa. Maybe it's Telkom ISP that is down across the country.

    Comes 3.00p.m. I call my special ADSL technical number - the one for priority service that I pay extra for:

    ME: Hi, I called this morning because my ADSL is down. Still not sorted.
    TECH: Yes sir, I've just come on duty and there's a note here saying there's a major problem.
    ME: Is it ADSL services or Telkom ISP?
    TECH: It's our entire system.
    ME: Well a bud of mine is having no problem, but his ISP is not Telkom.
    TECH: Well it must be Telkom ISP then sir.
    ME: When will it be fixed?
    TECH: Don't know sir, but I'll find out and email you - what's your email address.
    ME: Sure, but please tell me how to download the email when my ADSL is down!!!
    TECH: Hmmm. A problem... *Silence*
    ME: How about if you phoned me?
    TECH: *Surprised* Yes, that could work!
    I give cell number and hope for the best.

    Comes 4.45p.m. No ADSL and no phonecall. I call my special ADSL technical number - the one for priority service that I pay extra for:

    ME: Hi, my ADSL is down. I called at 9.00a.m and at 3.00p.m. and was told there is a major countrywide problem. How's it going.
    TECH: There's no problem sir.
    ME: What! You guys told me there's a major system problem.
    TECH: Well, our internal systems are down, but that shouldn't affect you. There must be a problem on your line.
    ME: Well, it does affect me. We could have started on the real problem at 9.00 a.m. this morning....
    TECH: Hold on sir, let me check on something... *Click*
    TELKOM CALL CENTRE SYSTEM: For new sales press 1, for progress report on a new installation press 2, for ADSL connection problems press 3.. *I press 3*
    SUPPORT: Yes sir, can I help you.
    ME: My ADSL is down, apparently you have a major countrywide problem...
    SUPPORT: No sir. Everything is normal.
    ME: But I've just been put through from technical support - they've been telling me there's a major system wide problem all day...
    SUPPORT: Are you anywhere near Westville sir?
    ME: No.
    SUPPORT: Well sir, what is your ADSL line number?
    *Give number*
    SUPPORT: I've tested the line and there is no sync - seems like a problem with the line. I'll report it for you - your reference number is 999AA99.
    ME: When will it get fixed?
    SUPPORT: Well the exchange will test if the problem is on their side straight away. If they can't fix it from their side they'll call you to come out to sort out the problem on your side.
    ME: What number will they call?
    SUPPORT: What number should they call on?
    ME: *Give cell number* What number can I call to follow up?
    SUPPORT: *Gives number*
    Finish call and I hope for the best.

    Now gone 10.00p.m.
    ADSL still down. No phonecall. So much for that special 24 hour service I pay extra for.

    To do list:
    Cr*p on Telkom
    Find new ISP
    Terminate ISP service with Telkom
    Post this story on every damn forum I can find.

    Oh yes - Why am I a fool?
    Because I believed them every time. Even the last one.
    I mean, thinking about it afterwards; How the hell is she logging the problem if all Telkom internal systems are down?
    Last edited by Dave A; 10-May-06 at 10:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Bronze Member Alan's Avatar
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    Oh the pain and whats worse there is nothing one can do about it, very frustrating.

  3. #3
    Email problem
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    Mmmm I won't even go down this road, it just infuriates me to get such crap service and pay the earth for it. The scary part is Telkom controls every bit of bandwidth in SA including the wireless.
    When is the supposed second service provider coming into action ? Does anyone know ?

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Apparently the SNO is backed by Tata - the vehicle people.

    If it is anything like their first vehicle offering here in SA, it might be cheaper but I think the operative word might be "functional".

    I heard a mutter of August/September but that was a few months ago. Haven't seen much fanfare since.

    I think we all wait with bated breath.

  5. #5
    Full Member AndreMorgenrood's Avatar
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    How will a SNO be able to compete?

    Hi Everybody

    This is my first post on this forum.

    I am somewhat confused as to how a SNO will make any difference. The way I understand it Telkom controls the entire cable infrastructure in SA so if a second operator comes on board they will pretty much have to piggy-back onto Telkom's existing infrastructure?? So what stops Telkom from charging whatever they want and in doing so keeping the baseline cost high with little room for a mark-up, the same problem all ISP's have at the moment.

    Exscuse my ignorance but will they be bringing with them a second under sea cable feeding from India, China or somewhere else? The only way I can see them being any kind of real competition is if they bring some serious infrastructure with them and especially their own international bandwidth.


  6. #6
    Administrator I Robot's Avatar
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    I seem to recall they were looking at carrying signals over the existing electrical supply wiring.

  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Friday = No IT day

    I'm going to have to make Friday a no IT day.

    I got a call on Wednesday from Telkom ADSL to tell me that they had fixed the problem and were closing the fault reference.

    Yesterday about 4.30p.m we start all over again. Call - get fault reference after being bounced between Telkom ADSL services and Telkom ISP like a ping pong ball.

    I've spent three hours today on phonecalls because no-one has called me back within the half hour promised (each time).

    Each keeps blaming the other. I've told them I DON'T CARE. It's a Telkom problem. That's why I got Telkom as my ISP in the first place - so that they couldn't pass the buck.

    Has Telkom run out of bandwidth?
    Is this why the service is being so badly choked down?

  8. #8
    Bronze Member Alan's Avatar
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    Dave i think you should write Fridays off as help/nag telkom day, lets see what happens when you try bill them for it.
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  9. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan
    Dave i think you should write Fridays off as help/nag telkom day, lets see what happens when you try bill them for it.
    Who wants to start the weekend in a bad mood?

    I don't want to moan and groan - I don't want to embarass them - I just want the problem fixed (or at least a decent explanation with some kind of idea as to when the problem might be solved). But being ignored is doing nothing good for the blood pressure.

    As for billing them - imagine trying to collect payment

  10. #10
    Full Member AndreMorgenrood's Avatar
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    SNO closer than I thought

    Hi Dave,

    I've also had problems the past few weeks, lines slow, dipping into inactivety and then bouncing back, etc. Luckily I have'nt been cut off completely though.

    I just had a look at Hellkom and you can find the website for the SNO at Looks like they will be rolling out in main centres during the course of this year and beyond, holding thumbs!


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