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Thread: Telkom technical joke?

  1. #11
    Full Member AndreMorgenrood's Avatar
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    SNO closer than I thought

    Hi Dave,

    I've also had problems the past few weeks, lines slow, dipping into inactivety and then bouncing back, etc. Luckily I have'nt been cut off completely though.

    I just had a look at Hellkom and you can find the website for the SNO at Looks like they will be rolling out in main centres during the course of this year and beyond, holding thumbs!


  2. #12
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    This is becoming a diary.

    Called Telkom ISP this morning - apparently the current status of my problem is "Pending". Pending what no-one could say. When I could expect a call no-one could say.

    I'm advised that if I have not had a call within a week I should call back to follow up. That would be this Thursday then. What might happen if I have to make that call - no-one could say.

    I got a nice email from My ADSL today. Apparently they are putting together a submission for an ICASA hearing scheduled for 24th & 25th May.

    If you want to give some input, click here.

  3. #13
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    An update

    Called Telkom again this morning. According to them they have been trying to call me repeatedly, although they have no record of when.

    I admit I have had one missed call from a private number that rang for about 1.5 seconds - let's give them the benefit of the doubt, shall we. Must have been them - I was too slow to answer.

    Apparently they should call again. I'll keep my finger by the green button so I can be quicker next time.

    I have been investigating the problem further. It seems the problem is this:
    The Effingham Exchange is suffering from overload.
    My site request through Telkom ISP is being put into the IS pipe at Effingham, which must be massively deprioritised to let Telkom traffic through first.
    Talking to an IT guy who is going nuts over the problem, technically this is called "a peering problem between Telkom and Internet Solutions."
    Ultimately, it means that often the only way I can get to this site is using my cellphone as a modem over GPRS. Seems to defeat the object of having Telkom Business ADSL512!!!

    Anyway, the lack of ability to penetrate through the Telkom call centre to someone that can actually explain/resolve the problem gives a whole new meaning to "firewall technology".

  4. #14
    Administrator I Robot's Avatar
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    If anyone else is struggling with bandwidth to this site, please make a post in the Administration issues area.

    I might have to change the hosting provider of this site to solve the problem - but I need to know how far spread it is.

  5. #15
    Email problem Chris B's Avatar
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    Neggative stuff...

    Telkom, telkom and telkom.

    I had a look at this specific thread from an outsiders point of view who's not as concerned about the issue as you clearly are.

    Of all the replies I think that Allan has the best approach, the not too stressed one.

    You spend 3hours on the phone which got you nowhere, don't know how many hours gaining the info you got regarding the effingham exchange problem etc. Yet your still right where you started but much more frustrated and bugged with a burning issue.

    Just a thought...
    Maybe you could've used that time and energy for something else more productive with a better reward than none at all. Judging from the effort you spend on this you could've probably done something simpler like save a 3rd world country than taking telkom on as a one man army.

    Idiocy can not be reasoned with, its like trying to get George Bush to write out his own speach or use the Internet. You can try but everyone knows before hand what the end result would be...

    Just a thought
    Carpe diem, all the way!

  6. #16
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Chris - you are so right.

    Stuff Telkom - I'm getting my jungle drum out to start working on world peace.

    So much easier.

  7. #17
    Administrator I Robot's Avatar
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    According to this article in News24 there seems to be hope down the line.

    I must say, reading through this thread and seeing all the disgruntled Telkom clients out there - Telkom is doing a marvelous job of marketing for the SNO.

    Another thought that struck me was where is the SNO was going to source their technicians? Assuming for a moment that Telkom is not intentionally giving such unsatisfactory service, surely the SNO is going to face similar challenges?

    It could be a long road still to getting first class communications in this country.

  8. #18
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Yippee. Problem solved - well sort of anyway. I've had to change a setting to use a proxy server and bingo - unbelievable speed all round.

    However, there is a side effect - logging into secure banking works OK but any other secure site over https - no go.

    And just for the record - phoning doesn't work, but emailing does wonders.

  9. #19
    Silver Member Candy Bouwer's Avatar
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    Telkom "Madness"

    Telkom is truly confused not only in the issues above but internally too...
    ok firstly I apply for a home line only to be told "sorry you don't qualify... On inquiry they reckon that I have an outstanding bill that is closed. On further inquiry the persons name is not the same but our Id number is. This is clearly impersonation fraud! My question to them was: how could they have opened an account in someonelses name? when clearly I had a previous account with them which incidently shows up on their system as "Me" and not someone else?. These things apparently stay on the their systems. So on advice I lodged a complaint to the police who inturn opened a case of fraud but enven after a run around with them the inspector recons they don't know anything or they have deliberatly closed ranks to protect them selves. It has taken me three months and having to produce the written afidavid of my formal complaint back to them, for them to take this matter further still. After checking with home affairs ..there is only one me..but I can't get that into Telkoms head
    Last edited by Candy Bouwer; 01-Jun-06 at 08:47 AM.
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  10. #20
    Bronze Member Alan's Avatar
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    If you have a problem at Telkom have you ever tried to escalate it to management level, it is impossible. They will not escalate anything, i wonder what the management does all day?
    As far as the SNO goes, it will not work properly as long as they are using any of the telkom infrustructure. As for technicians, there are plenty ex telkom techs looking for work.
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