Three top ANC leaders – including a current national minister – have been named in an explosive report into corruption in the Eastern Cape as the figures behind the systematic “siphoning” of nearly R200m in public money in dodgy deals which benefited them and their families
The Pillay Commission report, leaked to the Dispatch on Wednesday and which the current Eastern Cape Premier Nosimo Balindlela has resisted releasing publicly for a year, also reveals how nearly a quarter of a billion rand simply disappeared from the province’s public coffers over a decade.
The report indicts the administration of Makhenkosi Stofile, the former Eastern Cape premier and current national sports minister, who presided over, what Judge Ronnie Pillay, described as a “clearly orchestrated siphoning off of public money from the fiscus”.
The report refers to investigative report – called Project Spin - by state investigators which the enquiry only laid its hands on in its final days.
Full story from Daily Dispatch here
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