PEOPLE WHO ARE DOING MORE THAN 2 OF THE FOLLOWING - Should they be complaining about the cost of living?
1. buying clothes every month or so and not using half of whats in the cupboard.
2. buying music CD everytime a new one gets released
3. driving around with expensive vehicles (especially ones that take a lot of fuel)
4. sending funny MMS and sms and complaining about the bill.
5. eating out more than once every 2 weeks.
6. DSTV (some of them have all the channels and dont watch more than quarter of all)
7 watching too much TV and not having enough time to shop at a cheaper store (or even price watch at supermarkets) - some buy a lot of groceries at garage convenient "quick shops" where you pay double for every thing.
8. expensive cars to "keep up with the Jones" or simply show. (OH I've WORKED HARD AND DESERVE IT)
9. Too proud to wait for your 50c or 10c change at a store.
My question is : if the cost of living is high for people, where are they getting all the money to be present at ques at the movies and still come out of shopping malls with such such huge bags?
Are the big home theatre screens necessary?
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