well i have advised people not to waste money on geyser timers...because i ran tests on my own house and found there was no need for a timer... here is a few tips...when it comes to saving electricity.
firstly make sure when you your spouse and kids need to bath or shower...all shower/bath around the same time...why because it takes an hour and a bit to heat up the geyser back to temperature...now if the kids bath at 5 the geyser will switch on for approx. 1hr 10 min then your spouse showers at 7 it takes just over an hour to heat up again and then you shower at 9 then your geyser has been switched on for 3 nearly 4 hour in total ...so if you all bath/shower at the about same time the geyser will heat up once for just over an hour...instead of 3/4 hours...remember if you dont have a dishwasher chances are dishes are getting washed in the evening so try plan all these things around the same time...just be careful your geyser might be toooo small to handle all these events at the same or similar time...so stagger the kids and dishes then shower /bath at the same time as your spouse...a little later i the evening when the water has heated up.
a timer for a geyser which fits into your electrical distribution board with an overide cost for sale to the public approx. R600 including vat...it shouldnt take an electrician longer than an hour to fit the unit...so long as there sufficient space in the DB.
turn you geyser down slightly it should not be more than 70 dgrees.
lag the pipes and check if you geyser has internal insulation...i think the newer geyser lack the insulation which the older geysers had.
i did tests on my geyser before we had a full time maid...and after a 5 day test i decided it was not needed...now we have a full time maid and the geyser is switching on/off all day...i have just completed a 3 day test...and i have decided it would now be in my best interest to now fit a timer.
remeber a geyser and stove are normally your highest electricty consumers.
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