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Thread: 2 Questions

  1. #1
    Gold Member
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    2 Questions

    Hi All

    Maybe one of TFSA members can advise.

    1. The males in my family have band practice once a week for 3 hours (afternoons) - 3 electric guitars lots of amplifiers and a set of drums - they DO get heard - they play well so its not BAD music. My one neighbour is freaking out - he is a pensioner with a new wife - I understand that it is loud and have offered these neighbours a movie and dinner every week at our expense for those 3 hours - they have refused and are becoming quite abusive. Other than this regular noise - we are quiet don't have parties, no misbehaviour that I know of anyway LOL!

    Question - what is our legal right as to noise levels and frequency? Apart from absolute sound proofing what have other people used to keep sound in?

    On the other hand.....neighbour on the other side has 4 dogs all yappers who go off at the tiniest of noise. This sets off a chain reaction of about 15 dogs all barking for 15 minutes until the yappers start again.

    I believe that dogs don't bark as much if they can see out - anybody know if this is true and what else can I suggest my neighbours try as it is now so bad that I am fleeing my house and office on a daily basis!

    Any advice will be appreciated.


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  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I think noise issues fall under the municipality, so there might be differences between cities on this. Generally, afternoon noise in residential areas is legitimate except on weekends, I think.

    The trouble with music is one person's thrill is easily another peron's noise. I know my wife and I have this difference of opinion in respect of hard rock, for example. It's a real problem.

  3. #3
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    well, although one has to respect another's privacy, it comes from both ways. If he mows his lawn 6 'O clock on a Saturday morning, is he breaking the law? Does it bother / irritate you? Once you think about it, it's easier to see this scenario in perspective. Does your band practice after 10pm at night? If not, then it's perfectly fine and acceptable.

    Making the band room sound proof is expensive, but could work. On the other hand, you made this guy an offer (which I would have taken even if it didn't bother me ), but he refused, so he's probably very hard to please, and very stubborn, meaning you may not please him at all. But also, the moment you "bow down to him" he walks over you, remember that. You own the house ( I presume it's not in a flat / townhouse, and you own it?), so you have your right todo so as you please, just as much as he has the right to mow his lawn, or drill holes in his drive way with a jack hammer every day of the week, or as long as the drive way will last
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  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Debbiedle View Post
    Apart from absolute sound proofing what have other people used to keep sound in?
    Cardboard egg boxes help.
    Quote Originally Posted by Debbiedle View Post
    .. what else can I suggest my neighbours try as it is now so bad that I am fleeing my house and office on a daily basis!

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Some ideas
    • Suggest Ear Muffs for the neighbours.
    • They can turn their hearing aids down.
    • Maybe he wants to join the band and is unhappy that he has not been invited.
    • Change the day to sunday morning when they could be at church instead.
    • Find out what music they like and play a few numbers of that.
    • Let the males sort it out - after all its their noise.
    • Change venues.
    • Move.
    • Ignore them and you wear the earmuffs and blinkers and headgear so they cannot identify you at the local shops.

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