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Thread: SABS seal of approval

  1. #1
    Administrator I Robot's Avatar
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    SABS seal of approval

    I thought the SABS mark was an assurance of quality. (from M&G).
    Five hundred Russian-made 16-seater minibus taxis are being recalled for the fourth time since March last year due to mechanical problems, the Sunday Times reported on Saturday.

    The "Gazelles" were built as part of the government's R7,7-billion taxi-recapitalisation programme and were approved by the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS).


    Outgoing GAZ SA managing director Terry Gregory said the windscreen sealant, gear boxes, hoses and pumps had collapsed because of the hot conditions in South Africa, and that thermostats and engines failed because they had been set for a cold climate.


    Theuns Blom, senior manager of the SABS's automotive regulatory department said the Gazelle had undergone internationally-accepted tests, but that they were conducted on only one vehicle.

    Such tests would not necessarily detect potential hazards such as metal fatigue, mechanical problems and weak rims.
    More here.
    Last edited by I Robot; 17-Sep-06 at 03:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I remember visiting SABS years ago and went through the vehicle testing area. They had gizmos that would open and close doors to try and wear them out, vibration machines that tried to shake the machine to pieces... A regular torture house for vehicles.

    My impression was that these folk spent sleepless nights trying to figure out how to destroy cars by wear and tear as quickly as possible.

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