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Thread: Premicells, private calls and people who don't answer their phone

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Premicells, private calls and people who don't answer their phone

    One of the general settings on premicells is not to display the calling number to whomever you're calling. The theory is that premicells are for outgoing calls, and excessive call-ins on premicell lines would tie up available lines for anyone trying to call out to a cellphone number.

    There are two notable drawbacks.

    If you have to leave a message, the client can't just hit some shortcut to call you back. A nuisance, but the next is becoming a real problem.

    There are an increasing number of people who will not answer their cellphone if the calling number isn't displayed. We're finding it time and time again. We'll call a cellphone number through the switchboard and the client won't answer. After a number of attempts, we'll use a normal cellphone and bingo - the client takes the call.

    So why don't people answer calls when the calling number isn't displayed?

  2. #2
    Full Member Moneymaker's Avatar
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    Personally I dont believe I have to answer a ringing phone. A ringing phone to me is an invitation to answer the phone (except if it's my business line.....) not an obligation. Business people ONLY phone you now-a-days when they want something from you. when was the last time a supplier contacted you to say "Hi, hello, we were just thinking about you, really appreciate you, hope you have a great day." If they did this we'd all answer our phones a lot more. For me the issue is, if I answer the phone it's going to cost me money......or time.....I have neither at my disposal (simply because I dont want to give of either) so I'd rather save myself the trouble and hit the button marked <silence> on that ringing phone unless I know for sure that it's someone I'd like to talk to.....

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  4. #3
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    I believe that one of the big issues is that a number of unsolicited calls (particularly from banks) come via unknown numbers. For me it depends a little bit on what time of the day an unknown number calls. If it is after 17h00 I'm practically guaranteed not to answer it. If they leave a message I will return the call though.
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  5. #4
    Bronze Member Sieg's Avatar
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    Premicell / number withheld

    I do not take any calls on my cellphone where the display reads "withheld". Simple as that. If the caller does not want me to know who he / she is, I don't want to talk to that caller.


  6. #5
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    Two of my staff use my home line to call out on for business. Caller ID is therefore turned off, otherwise I get a thousand people phoning in on it at all hours of the day.

    Of the cellphone calls I get approx 60% are on private number. Most of those are my clients. I cannot afford not to answer them.


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  7. #6
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by duncan drennan View Post
    I believe that one of the big issues is that a number of unsolicited calls (particularly from banks) come via unknown numbers. For me it depends a little bit on what time of the day an unknown number calls. If it is after 17h00 I'm practically guaranteed not to answer it. If they leave a message I will return the call though.
    I'm with you on this one - however, it's not only banks, but various telemarketers.

    I recently installed a nifty little application onto my BlackBerry that immediately diverts all incoming calls, that don't have CLI, to my voicemail box. What a life saver! Most don't even bother to leave a message...
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  8. #7
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    since i had the problem with virgin and had to go back to mtn...i also had to change my number...

    in the begining it was a curse because people couldnt get hold hold of me...but in another way it was great because i sent out emails and sms to everyone of importance to update my generated work because people got the email and remebered they needed things done so they called me.

    but the best part is all the promotion stuff...telemarketing etc all goes to that phone...i dont bother replying to unlisted numbers only listed numbers.

    i also dont get please call me all the time.

  9. #8
    Gold Member Martinco's Avatar
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    Well, the above responses give the answer !

    Personally my business premicell does indicate the caller number for the exact reasons as above, but I also do not answer "private number" calls, so if by some chance you do want to call my on a cell, make sure the number display is on.
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  10. #9
    Gold Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    So why don't people answer calls when the calling number isn't displayed?
    Quite simply because I'm sick of telemarketing. I will not answer any unknown number on my phone, especially a private/with held number.

    Its cheaper in terms of time and frustration to rather call back if its a genuine caller who left a message.

    I'm fortunate in that I'm not directly in sales so can afford to do this. My sales guys are not quite as lucky and I often hear them trying to fend off these terriers.

  11. #10
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BusFact View Post
    ...I often hear them trying to fend off these terriers.
    I was also a victim of my own etiquette at one time. I used to listen to the locust on the other end until I could get a polite 'no thank you I'm not interested....' in when they paused for their first breath. Years of unsolicited telemarketing now has me just hanging up during the first three words of their introduction.


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