Would you love to work online and earn good money without affecting
your present job if you have one ?,Our Company Severn Furnishings
here in United Kingdom is in need of a cashing officer in the
USA/Canada and Western Europe .A reliable person who can receive
payment on our behalf from our customers ,it will be made payable to
your name so all you need do is to take the payment of cashiers
check to your bank,get it cashed and then deduct your seven percent
and send the balance to our company's account officer here in the
ireland or as later instructed.
If you meet these conditions please contact us by replying to
the e-mail address below with the following information.
Full Name..........................
Full Address(not P.O. box)..........
City,State,Zip Code.................
Phone Number (S)....................
Reply to
Daniel Cole
Severnfurnishing UK
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