The following statement is from PQRS:

Don’t Become an Electrician, Study THIS Instead

Changes made to South Africa’s qualification standards in 2008 by SAQA (South African Qualification Authority) has led to an imbalanced system that diminishes the purpose of becoming an electrician.
The NQF (National Qualifications Framework) system is based on credits where
1 Credit is earned for every 10 hours of learning. After passing matric, South Africans hold an NQF-4 and after 4 more years of study and completion of a trade test, an individual will be awarded an NQF-4 as a qualified electrician. This obviously holds the same value as a matric. Compared to an individual who goes to university and passes their 4th year in engineering for example, earning them an NQF-7. An electrician requires at least 360 credits, after which the individual earns an NQF-4. In comparison a Solar PV Service Technician requires 344 credits and earns an
NQF-5. This means that a Solar PV Service Technician will be qualified faster than an electrician while obtaining a stronger qualification.

This system set up by SAQA directly restricts the opportunities of a qualified electrician but promotes the qualification of a Solar PV Service Technician who under SAQA’s changes require less time spent studying for an NQF-5 qualification.

The department of labour determines the educational criteria for candidates to be able to issue CoC’s. You can read more about that via the link below

End of statement

Now my question is who will do the general control and who will do the sign-off, as required by law, if there is no electricians?