Hi there
I need some advice
so this is the scenario
We have unclaimed payments that was deposited into our company's bank account, the reference is untraceable, and the person/company that made this payment is also untraceable.
We have tried tracing the payee through the bank but can't find enough info to contact person for refund.
Does the obligation to request refund not lie on the payee and not the received of the funds?

So we have payments from 2022/2023 lying unallocated in my books
Can one use such payments to write off other accounts which was deemed as "bad debt" accounts or liquidated companies?
Is there a specific time period that needs to pass in order to do this

Or what would be the correct procedure to deal with these payments?
To me - it would make sense to use money that was paid to us, if not claimed or refunded in a specific time frame to be used for company expenses?

Any advice would be appreciated