Earlier this year I bought a used car from the owner of an auto shop. I had the vehicle financed, and because I would have the old plates on the vehicle for the two or three weeks it took for the bank to update the Natis doc, the seller forced me to pay a R5000 deposit for any traffic fines levied on the vehicle before the plates were changed. He demanded this after the deal had been concluded and when I arrived to pick up the car. I paid the deposit not wanting to have to leave the place without the vehicle, which would mean that I would have to make the hour long Uber ride out to his workshop a second time. Now, over two months since I changed the plates, he still hasn't returned my deposit (I just get excuses). I am going to file a claim in small claims court but want to know if there is any other legal recourse that I can take after that. Was it not illegal to demand a deposit after the deal and been concluded?
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