New edition of SANS 10142-1 was published and made available today
Quite a few grammar errors and technical references to documents updated/corrected with to me a problem area with the deletion of Annex M
Was not aware that Annex M was being deleted ,but the chatter that has been happening now makes sense - My feeling is the people we ask to represent contractors interests have been sleeping
A note was added to 7.12.7
Table of Changes Amdt 2
Amended to update referenced standards and
the requirements for voltage drop, busbars
and earthing, to replace reference to an
association with a reference standard, to
delete the clause on external lightning
protection, and the annex on authority for
issuing a test report and a Certificate of
7.12.7 Additional requirements for photovoltaic (PV) and similar
installations that provide a supply as an alternative to the main supply
NOTE For the installation and certification of the dc part of solar or part of an PV for
single phase installation, refer to the relevant national legislation (see foreword).
Amdt 2
Reference is made in the note to 7.12.7 and note 2 to clause 8 to the "relevant
national regulation". In South Africa this means regulation 5(6) of the Electrical
Installation Regulations, 2009, of the Occupational Health and Safety Act,
1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993). Amdt 1; amdt 2
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