Some of us might have lost some clients on a call, either video or voice and it's not a happy experience at all. Some might say "It's because that prospects isn't the right one for my services" and that might not be entirely true.
Most Coaches or business owners grow tired with having to persuade or close deals and deliver as well, it's no fun trying to manage two different things and struggle to keep up at both. Imagine you had someone who's good enough at a call, someone you inspect yourself and you're sure enough to handle all your deals while you collect the payments and focus on what you're good at, delivering your services or products.
Am Kingsley by the way and I have closed numerous deals for many business owners, some are Ads agencies and even Coaches. Let's focus on your business and help you close more deals, there's no need leaving money behind when you could really scale things up. ;)
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