Glad you are optimistic. I do not share your optimism.
This was a huge win for the ANC and a loss for the DA. I didn't vote for either of them. The party that I voted for, that is based on Christian values, didn't get a seat in Government.
Anyway, the ANC got it right to destroy the DA as an opposition party without giving them much.
This is not a government of national unity, far from it. It's an ANC government supported by the DA with a 30% minister of defence. What a joke ! Ain't gonna last in my opinion.
Well, in my post above, I mentioned that I'm of the opinion that the GNU ain't gonna last.
It's not a case of me being pessimistic, rather a case of being realistic.
Someone else who shares my opinion is my friend, Colyn Serfontein.
I have attached a video from Colyn, spelling out in quite detail what hi's predictions are for the future of our country.
I tend to agree with his way of thinking. He doesn't sugarcoat anything.
For those who click on the video, please be warned that Colyn uses colourfull language that might offend
some people.
We now have a bigger cabinet with more gravy train passengers, some of whom are exposed crooks and fraudsters. How can you trust these politicians who are only in it for the money? This is going to cost the taxpayers more and will not add one drop of prosperity that we so desparately need in this country.
The biggest problem is that more than 60% of our population grow up in townships where everything is free (it has to be with a disfunctional govenment decimating jobs). The lucky ones can eventually enter the job market and start moving into the suburbs in rented or low cost accommodation. But because of their background, they still think that everything must still be free. Government has a tree from where they pluck the money to pay grants and provide free services!
The politicians who feather their own nests by stealing from their own people are seen as demi gods who needs to exalted and praised for their achievements. They stay loayal to a pirate political party as if it is a football club. They have no idea about democracy and what it means for a government to serve their people. It will take decades to educate people to only vote for those who can deliver a good service and govern fairly. Voting on racist bias or political associations will further ruin this country like its done for the past 30 years.
I pray for this beautiful country, as only devine intervention can save us.
Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...![]()
Am sensing that increasing despair too. However lets not throw them to the lions just yet.
Take Nobuhle Nkabane for example, surely she is not only in it for the money and fits the rest of your description? And can probably think of a few others that side too.
In any case the new gov´ment has a lot to prove its worth in the coming months.
I’m actually feeling pretty optimistic about this new cabinet! If they manage to work together and focus on the right priorities, it could really lead to some positive changes.
We can pray and hope at the very least.
What is it we actually need from them and to live well?
Food, shelter, safety, freedom and intimacy to mention the five crucial pillars. As I see it, we actually oreddy have more than half of that fulfilled.
Our people should stop seeing politicians as gods and saviours. We cannot trust any politician to deliver on promises because they are all there for the money and the status.
Why can we not all stand together as brothers like when we cheer for our national teams and get passionate about the Springboks, Bafana or Proteas? Why do we only embrace when our teams are winning?
Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...![]()
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