Friends, brothers and electricians I have been pondering the past few weeks about this topic with a bitterness in my heart, hope it doesn't sound like I'm ranting when I explain my predicament.
5 guys study the same material, write the same tests and do the same practical tests.
All 5 guys are lucky, and they pass with flying colours but two of the students get a lessor qualification because the one chose the wrong subjects 20 years ago at school and the other did not pass maths with flying colours 20 years ago at school.
Does sound unfair? Well, it happened to me, let me explain.
I wanted to become an electrician and did a lot of electrical work, single and three phase work.
I had enough electrical experience and 7 years of qualifying experience and went for my red seal.
I did the same theoretical and practical tests as the other students in the class and passed every test with flying colours. After the exams I was told there was a problem with my school qualifications of 20 years ago and I can't be an Installation Electrician but I can become a Single Phase Tester.
I was disappointed but happy to be a qualified electrician.
Now my question is this: "Was the purpose of the exam not to test your understanding of the subject matter and to determine if your experience was sufficient to do the work?"
Suddenly qualifications became more important than knowledge and Experience. Is it not supposed to be the other way round?
I am now at a point where I question the way qualifications are handed out and ponder if a person with qualifications is really qualified to do the work or not?
Please enlighten me.
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