I know, its not a fluke, but hey, I already have 9 fluke AC/DC clamp meters ranging from 100 ADC to 3000 A flexible clamps supplied with the fluke 435.
I have been using this (attachment below) AC/DC mini current clamp meter for quick tests, while carrying out thermal inspections, I know I shouldn't be using it in for 400 VAC because it is only 300 VAC Class III, but hey it has worked since 2004 when I started doing thermal inspections. You might be asking why I bought a product sold by major tech in SA , simple because it has a K (Kyoritsu) in the model number.
It is time to retire the clamp meter, for 2 reason, It uses some odd size round lithium batteries which dont seem to last anymore and the other reason, the reason the measurement are no longer accurate.
Why the UNI-T UT210D, It is small and compact for my pocket or tool bag, just doesn't fit in my glasses case like the older did, mmm I know you can feel the quality is not great.
It has small jaws, easier to get in tight places like DB's or around a plug cable etc.
I can use rechargeable batteries.
It can measure up to 200 AC/DC current, going to be a bit small for the large battery cables.
True RMS
It has a backlight.
It can be used for NCV
Hold function.
It has test lead for other measurements, but they will get binned because I prefer the fluke meter and leads.
First thing to do before I even put it in the van, a dab of Vaseline on the exposed metal on the clamp, lets see how long it lasts.
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