At a recent inspection of an AC combiner box for an inverter system, I found the following on the AC side:
2 SunSynk inverters and two AC combiner boxes.
The first AC combiner box is for the Eskom in and the Inverter out and had an SPD, two 32 Amp double pole breakers, and a changeover switch in it.
The Eskom in breakers has wire bridges at the bottom that go from Eskom in breaker to Eskom in breaker and then to the changeover switch.
The second AC combiner box is for the Inverter in and Eskom out and had an SPD and two 32 Amp double pole breakers in it.
The Inverter in breakers has wire bridges at the bottom that goes from Inverter in breaker to Inverter in breaker to the changeover switch.
I'm pretty sure that having a bridge at the bottom of a breaker is not safe or legal.
Also, the 10mm Neutral bridges that had been used on the breakers are more than two wires per breaker, also sure that this is not legal at all.
My question now is what would be the best way to rewire it? My suggestion is as follows:
Install two double pole breakers before the changeover switch, one for the combined Eskom load and the second for the combined Inverter load.
Eskom in and the Inverter out loads can then be isolated independently and also together.
The Neutrals must go from the breakers to a Neutral bar from where you can then have one wire to the changeover switch.
VERY IMPORTANT, don't mix Neutrals.
Have an Eskom out Neutral bar and an Inverter in neutral bar.
Any other suggestions would be welcome.
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