Good day
I would like to know, can I register as an electrical contractor. I have a red seal trade test and also registered as an single phase tester, or do I need to be IE/ MIE?
thank you in advance
Good day
I would like to know, can I register as an electrical contractor. I have a red seal trade test and also registered as an single phase tester, or do I need to be IE/ MIE?
thank you in advance
You may register.
On page 15 of the OHS Act is the application form where the option is to tick either 1. Single phase tester
2. IE. Or
3. MIE.
Go for it brother and good luck.
Many thanks, another question if I may. I read an article from ECA stating that an single phase tester may not work on PV/DC, I know that you can't certify, but if I am a registered contractor with a trade test will I be able to work on 3phase and DC or must I work under supervision of a IE/MIE?
Thank you
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That is the plan, I will be doing that in the future, the process of registering is really terrible and tiresome, I first applied two year ago to register as an single phase tester then a few months after that I got a letter in the post stating I need proof I can construct a single phase circuit, but I have a trade test lol, then I had to go to a training centre to do a competence assessment. After that I reapplied and it took 10 months to be register.
I know it's tough but if you can do it online. I went through AIE in Midrand, all online but exam at the place (I think they have a few centres to write)
I needed my N3 but for Electro-technoligy only as I had matric with the math and science.
But if you can just do one part of what you need when you can so when you get another gap to do it you are at least not one step closer.
I was many years out of school when I had to do the N3 and I did it just before my apprenticeship and it paid dividends. Sure it was only one subject but having it done before was so much better as the moment I got back from that exam the missus said she was pregnant so I was really glad I had one less thing to study and i also had done P1 as well just before.
This is just my 2c and every one is different but if I can help somewhat then great
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