Anyone connected one of these to a house?
Are they internally wired correctly for fixed installations ?
Anyone connected one of these to a house?
Are they internally wired correctly for fixed installations ?
I have not but if wired wired wrong can you not just make your own TNC ?
I.e take the Line and Neutral only of the genny and then take the E to the installation from the Neutral ? Also then spike the Earth to be at Earth potential, as for the Ohm reading I have no idea what it must be though but fairly low and if it's high then do as the UK and put a 100mA RCD for Earth fault protection.
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I have done plenty generator installations in the last couple of years and have yet to find a new generator that is VOV wound.
Best is to start it and take voltage readings with a small load connected. An incandescent light bulb will do. With no load you sometimes get a voltage between neutral and earth, but with a tiny load connected, all voltages are a pass.
I'd say it's safe to connect. All these units sold are identical. It's only the brand sticker that's different.
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