Hi everyone. I would like some help and opinions on an educational dillemma I am facing.
I am currently in my first-year studying a B.A Law at the University of the Witwatersrand, and am planning to study my LLB degree after my current one, then later, my Masters degree. However, I have always wanted to move to Europe, and am now faced with the following dilemma:
Option 1: Apply to a European University next year (2023) and start my first year of an LLB degree in 2024. If I take this route, I will be 21 years at the beginning of first year, and 23 by the time I complete my LLB. By the time I finish my Masters I would be 24.
Option 2: Finish my BA Law and LLB degree in South Africa at the age of 24 (it will take me 5 years because I did a whole year of a General BA degree prior), then do my Masters degree at age 25.
Note: All of the above options exclude my articles and additional training.
So, I am concerned that a lot of my South African peers who did their LLB for only 3 years would be working at around 21-23 years and I'm only still studying. Which option above would you guys go for if you were in my situation?
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