I have spoken to a few people with regards to this issue we experienced yesterday and again to day, it seems it is a very common problem. I get the feeling its money making scam that operates at the hospitals. Please feel free to set the record straight.
We went to the hospital ER ( a private hospital, because we have medical aid and top up cover and top cover for the top up and top up for the doctors who charge 500 % more than the standard medical aid rate etc etc)
We are told the patient is a priority 1 case, and a "scan" is required, the standard co payment required is R3800, however because it is a Sunday and the patient is not yet booked into the hospital, we are required to pay Sunday rates up front, which is double plus plus plus plus, its not covered by the medical or the tops or the other top ups etc etc.
My question was, why not book the patient in first them do the scan, I am told that it doesnt work like that.
We pay upfront then once they get the scan results they will then decide if the patient is admitted or not.
My question was if the patient is a priority 1 patient, 5 days of hectic headaches, vomiting and high blood pressure 160/110 to a point that there are concerns that they might have a stoke, yet not sick enough to admit to the hospital.
Eventually after 5 hours of drips and medication the patient is told they can leave because we decided not to pay for a scan.
I requested the release forms so that I can fill out all the details of this terrible experience and informed the person that the ER will be held responsible for anything that happens to the patient once we leave. Because the hospital is not linked to the ER in anyway, the hospital cant be held liable.
They decide maybe that is not such a smart move, so I am told that if they do a lumber punch on the patient then they can admit the patient.
Just when you thought it is that simple, I am told they cannot admit the patient because Discovery medical aid is closed on Sundays, REALLY, a mullti million rand medical aid doesn't have a 24 hours call centre to deal with admissions on a Sunday, REALLY ?
5 hours later the patient is taken to the ward, because the private hospital doesnt have any beds available and is still not officially admitted.
This morning at 9 am the patient is still not officially admitted yet, so the scan people are calling for a R3800 upfront payment again so they can collect the patient.
Personally I think the hospital should sell some of the leather couches at the entrance and invest in a few more beds for patients.
After the doctors visit later in the morning, it turns out the patient is sick enough to be admitted, does require scans and physio and a visit to the neuro and a visit to the doctor who did back op.
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