It is amassing how quickly these associations and authorities and new requirements suddenly pop up.
If I need an engineer to design and sign off a solar installation, a registered contractor with a licensed IE or MIE to carry out the work and sign it off, why would I need a green card?
I have been installing generators since 2008 and beyond, but just on a larger scale since load shedding.
I have been installing massive UPS systems since year dot and in the past 5 years installed many inverters with batteries.
I smell a money making racket.
I must employ a kid with a 5 day course to show me how to do an electrical installation, really. Surely you are not falling for this bullshyte.
Lets look a little past all this chaos going, load shedding and who is set to make billions out of renewable energy, lets look at the shortages of equipment, lets follow the headline media, lets try open our eyes.
I hear people are being conned into doing courses to be approved for over R10k.
Come on people are we really going to fall for this hook line and sinker ?
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