A quick buck or not.
So let me give you a few of the challenges you will face trying to get into this line of work.
The equipment is very expensive, certainly not worth the capital outlay in comparison to the income created by doing this line of work.
I is expensive to insure the equipment on site. The people who steal the equipment dont understand how the equipment works and dont risk disconnecting the leads, so you end up with unit and maybe the charger, but no leads.
Something most people dont know is the equipment has a serial number and if you try take the equipment onto a large site, you have to product the proof of ownership.
The risk factor, you may think the equipment loss would be the biggest risk, it actually connecting the leads. It is a very dangerous task, why because everyone expects you to do the connection live. A little sweat on the forehead or the water pouring out of your rubber gloves on a hot day creates a rush not even travelling at 300 km/hr offer.
I know you shouldnt be connecting into live panels, tell that to all the customers. I use to do it just because it was all new and I wanted to get the experience, now I wouldnt even consider opening the panel without isolating it.
The electrical regulation should include a test facility., where test leads can be isolated and connected without switching off the mains, in large panels, especially ones where the neutral and earth bar is right at the back of the panel, those of you who have dont work in large 3000 amp DB's will know what I am talking about.
Due to the increased demand for data logging on a site, it has created a new set of challenges, test equipment in most cases will not fit inside a 100 amp 3 phase DB for example. So what happens is a dangerous environment is created having to leave the panel cover off for the leads.
The question is, what is the industry going to do to create a safer environment for data logging and testing?
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