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Thread: outbuilding kiosk query for coc

  1. #1
    Silver Member
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    Jan 2021
    Thanked 21 Times in 19 Posts

    outbuilding kiosk query for coc

    Good day all

    I had to inspect a property for a COC. I know understand why people say a COC needs an expiry date. The building is about 60 years old. The past 20 years it had the same owner and every 3 - 5 years it had new lessors with big dreams for the property. Every somebody new rent the place they modified the building and wiring to adapt to their big dreams. Now the building needs rewiring and they need a quick COC to get the sale through, the quick COC isn't gonna happen, the supply is still the old TN-c type. The wiring is a mess, have to rewire the whole building or put a temp db up and disconnect the building and issue COC
    My question is regarding the outbuilding grey meter kiosk.
    The building have a 2core swa supply to the outbuilding and a plug underneath the kiosk, which is at knee height.
    I know an outside kiosk or db must have an IP rating sufficient for it's environment, but what is the height restrictions? Is it the same as that for inside a house?
    The outbuilding have no ELU protection and no earth and inside everything is on the one circuit
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	kiosk 1.jpg 
Views:	354 
Size:	37.3 KB 
ID:	8595
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	kiosk2.jpg 
Views:	366 
Size:	48.1 KB 
ID:	8596
    Have a blessed weekend and may you have no load shedding this weekend....


  2. #2
    Platinum Member
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    Port Elizabeth
    Thanked 331 Times in 278 Posts
    Hi answers that one - Not lower than 0.2m above ground

    You would need to take environmental surrounds into account - Any point of a distribution board that has to be reached during normal
    operation shall not exceed a height of 2,2 m above floor (or walking) level.
    However, the board may be mounted higher if it can be disconnected from the
    supply by a switch-disconnector that is less than 2,2 m above floor level.
    (See also 5.3.8(b)). Unless a residential distribution board is housed in an
    enclosure and direct access cannot be obtained by an infant
    , no part of an
    indoor distribution board shall be less than 1,2 m above the floor level and no
    part of an outdoor distribution board shall be less than 0,2 m above the ground

  3. #3
    Silver Member
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    Thanked 21 Times in 19 Posts
    Thanx for the help.
    I did not had my SANS book with me, I paid big bucks for it , maybe I should carry it with me. Personally I believe putting a kiosk or db that low is not good practice.
    I have kids and I think of kids jumping and climbing on it, sprinklers popping up to water the lawn etc. etc.
    Best and safest spot would be a bit higher like 1.2m from ground level. Thanx for the help though.

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