Hi guys, I need to do a coc on an inverter system and there is some questions I have arising from the test report. Can you please tell me what this stuff refers to as I've never heard of it before.
Closing on dead bus protection and control function tested
Anti-islanding protection and control function tested
what single line diagram are they talking about that must be displayed in the DB?
Additional Utility requirements for EGIs are identified and addressed
Islanding condition - time to disconnect
Size of embedded generation installation ___kVA A1 / A2 / A3 (what is meant with this A1 or A2 or A3?)
and then the Tests:
How do you do a earth and neutral loop test if the supplier says the test can be done but not through the inverter? and the Prospective short circuit current at point of isolation of the storage system? how do you guys do these tests?
Max calculated gas build-up?
Ambient temperature during commissioning
Maximum expected temperature
specific gravity of each cell
It's my first time seeing this test report as I'm used to the traditional COC pages. Is there an institution that offers training on the above mentioned points perhaps?
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