Why is there no control over products being sold in SA?
Which department is responsible for the quality of product sold in SA?
Who is the person in charge of that department ?
Is the person in charge qualified for the position?
Why are some companies regulated and others not.
Where do you report reject products being sold as "Approved"?
Simple things like the 4x4 switches on MCE products, how did the product get approval to be sold in this country if the product doesnt even function properly, ie: its would be regarded as a reject component by any reputable manufacturer .
PVC couplings, adaptors and pvc glands, I collected the stock for site on friday and busy packing it into the site containers. OMG it just gets worse and worse, you have to look at the product to see how bad it is, and you blame your staff for taking too long to finish a task, you should look at the quality if the product being delivered to site and what they have to work with, maybe that will help you understand why you loosing money on labour costs on site.
Try swop a blue rubber from one gland to the red from another gland, then try tighten compress the rubber on the wire, it could explain why your weather proof enclosures are full of water.
Try strip the twin+E or the surfix, what use to be simple quick easy tasks are becoming more and more difficult. The result, the gland is left loose, so no compression on the cable, now you cable is not supported and no IP rating. I find it is quicker and easier to just slap a blob of silicon onto the gland, nobody is going to check it.
We saving 50 cents on materials and wasting R500 on labour cost and failing to offer the customer a code violation free installation. I suppose who cares, its just the customer at the end of the day who looses not us. They dont know any better and even if they did what are they going to do about it ?
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