Sans 10142 is not easy to understand.
There are certain phrases used in the regulations that, in my opinion, make them more challenging and should be done away with.
My number 1 hated phrase is .......... unless otherwise allowed in this part of SANS 10142.
An example of this is found at
Earth leakage tripping current should not exceed 30 mA unless otherwise allowed in SANS 10142.
Why does this regulation not reference if or where it is otherwise allowed ?
One has to now read SANS 10142 from cover to cover to see if and where it is otherwise allowed.
Another example is found at (note 3 )
Unless specified elsewhere in this part of SANS 10142 for a particular action, the protective device need not
disconnect the neutral conductor.
We need to read from cover to cover again to see if it is specified elsewhere, instead of referencing where it is specified elsewhere.
There are many more.
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