I have a customer who has tried the normal route to get certain issues sorted ... as per the sale agreement ... however the seller has displayed the middle finger and disappeared ... not interested ... the transfer is done the money for the house is paid ... everyone has collected their piece of the cake ... fees commissions etc ... now the new owner sits with a sale agreement not worth the paper it is printed on and a pile of worthless COC's.

The new owner wants the estate agent to take some of the responsibility for issues related to them ... for example the estate agent recommended their group of inspectors carry out the inspections ... the bugs ... gas ... electrical fence and electrical. Now these inspectors have failed in their duty to supply "valid" COC's.

It seems common practise to dress the property for the open house and sale ... but when it comes down to nitty gritty ... flaws on the property ... thats were the fun starts.

The easiest way to make sure the property will be handed over in the condition agreed ... make sure that you stall the transfer until you are happy with everything ... once that transfer goes through and the money has been split ... you the buyer are on your own.