Hi All
Anyone else starting to get concerned about the cost of materials??
I phone around once in a while but my usual supplier is always cheaper than the rest by far.
Even my long standing clients are starting to raise an eyebrow when I do quotes/invoices now.
Recent job I priced - came in at R81000 all in. Repriced it with my old price list (Jan 2019 pre covid) same job R46000 - and I'm making much less now than I was then.
At what point will people just stop ordering work. I look at my quotes now and I'm almost embarrased....
I ain't making mega bucks, far from it, but is it not getting a little out of hand.
We used to do loads of shops in malls (the independants and small chains) - not done a shop since pre covid and I see most of the mall have plenty of open spaces.
Put your running costs in (insurance, fuel, UIF, workmans comp etc - all of which has gone up) - I don't know how we are supposed to compete with the bakkie brigade.
Not sure what else to cut to make it worth while. Feels like breaking point is fast approaching.
People will alway need things fixing but I see new installs slowing down.
Those little off cuts of 2.5mm that used to fall to the floor and get swept up, no way - not anymore - copper is R140+/- kg for bright near me.
Starting to get a little concerned.
I don't know how to do anything else and its not like there is an abundance of other jobs (espcially for a white, foreign, male - bottom of the BEE list)
We are still very busy but its getting hard to get those jobs now and the margins are not as good.
What all you guys and girls doing to stay afloat?
Another year at this rate and I don't see how I'll be able to make it viable.
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