I contacted the ECA to enquire about DOL registration ... The answer was no they do not do DOL registration ... they do sell the COC's to anyone.
I am told some of the ECA branches do still do DOL registration ... however not all of them.
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
I found the right person and it was done the same day
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
I contacted 031-3126313 today at 10.55 am and confirmed they DO NOT and confirmed they haven't done it since September last year ... seems there is some confusion at the ECA.
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
I have just had a chat with Lynn (who took your call, Ian). It is clear that the front desk is out of step with the Kzn Regional Director's understanding. I have asked Lynn to have a chat with Shantonette about it.
The background is the Chief Inspector issued a directive that renewals must happen within the region the contractor operates in about September last year. Up until then Kzn had been sending renewals to be processed through Pretoria (as doing renewals via the Durban DoL office is a nightmare). Seems like Lynn has taken it that that was the end of the ECA's renewal assistance program
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GCE (12-Feb-22)
I made a plan and got mine done for the next 3 years ... lets see what happens in 3 years time
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
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