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Thread: Earth leakage trip at specific times

  1. #1
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    Earth leakage trip at specific times

    Good day. I hope someone can help me. I recently purchased a small house that was built about 2 years ago and have a strange earth leakage trip that happens only between 7:30pm and 8:00pm. It does not happen every night either (probably 3 to 4 times a week)

    There is no difference in appliance usage between the evenings that it trips and the evenings that it does not trip. Most evenings are spent on the couch watching TV with nothinge else on but a lamp.

    I have a EasuWise geyser unit with solar panel and pump but have even tried turning that off during the hours of 7pm and 8pm and it made no difference.

    When the earth leakage trips all plugs stop working but lights and stove remain operational.

    I do not have any timers or pool pumps. The

    Does anyone perhaps have advice what could be causing this?

  2. #2
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    Sounds like the grid around you could be of issues, if you stay near larger factories or you are near the end of the supply then funny things can happen.

    But either see if you can get your power quality checked and monitored. Not a lot of sparks have such equipment though.
    Not sure where you based by @Ians has a device that can do power quality analysing.

    Other to that is change the ELU and see if that helps.

    You know the right track by monitoring devices used and all that so that is a good step. It may just be a funny ELU (earth leakage unit)

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk

  3. #3
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    Thank you for the input. I also thought it might be something on the grid. I think the thing that is really puzzling me is the fact that it happens at such a specific time. There are no factories or large business complexes around me. I stay in an estate and asked my neighbours and none of them have the same issue.

  4. #4
    Email problem
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    can you try unplug your fridge.It might have a defrost function that causes water to drip onto compresor
    The plugs on not working should makes sense as lights not on earth leakage

  5. #5
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    Hi. I have actually tried unplugging my fridge 2 days ago. Did not solve the problem. I have noticed something though. The time of the trip has been getting later in the evening. 4 months ago it was around 7:00pm then move to around 7:20pm and now happens at around 8:00pm. As mentioned before I live in an estate. We have street lights all over. there is one right in front of my house. They turn on automatically (Not sure if a day night sensor or a timer). Last night and the night before it tripped just as the street lights turned on. I note that you say lights are not connected to the earth leakage but could something like this be causing the issue? Or am I now grasping at straws?

  6. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silpo View Post
    Hi. I have actually tried unplugging my fridge 2 days ago. Did not solve the problem. I have noticed something though. The time of the trip has been getting later in the evening. 4 months ago it was around 7:00pm then move to around 7:20pm and now happens at around 8:00pm. As mentioned before I live in an estate. We have street lights all over. there is one right in front of my house. They turn on automatically (Not sure if a day night sensor or a timer). Last night and the night before it tripped just as the street lights turned on. I note that you say lights are not connected to the earth leakage but could something like this be causing the issue? Or am I now grasping at straws?
    As I was reading that post, I started thinking "daylight sensor switch"

    Unfortunately an earth leakage unit can be affected by issues on the supply side of the unit.
    You may have found your culprit.

  7. #7
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    Thank you to everyone that responded to my post. In the end we found the following. There was a plug in my office that had an issue. If that plug was turned on and my office equipment connected to it the power would trip when the outside lights of the estate turned on. The plug was replaced and the estate did something to the light in front of my house. This resolved the problem.

  8. Thanks given for this post:

    Dave A (01-Jan-22)

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