My ex tenant wants to sue me for the deductions that I deducted from her deposit due to the damages they caused to the cottage when they were renting there. The amount is around 1,000 Rand. She is using legal wise and I want to know what court this would go to , would it be the small claims court? And would I be responsible for her lawyers fees if I lose?
I have before and after photos of the damages , we never did a snag list or before / after inspection , but in the lease agreement it does state:
8. CONDITION OF PREMISES: RESIDENT acknowledges that he has examined the premises and that said
premises, all furnishings, fixtures, furniture, plumbing, heating, electrical facilities, all items listed on the attached property condition checklist, if any, and/or all other items provided by OWNER are all clean, and in good satisfactory condition except as may be indicated elsewhere in this Agreement.
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