An example:
I have an office which requires backup power for 2 hours (more like 3-4 ...but for the calculation we will use 2 hrs)
The office has 20 computers and a few other small devices like ... routers ... a switch ... a telephone system and a few other electronic devices.
Fed from 10 dedicated 20 amp circuits.
10 offices each with 2 x dedicated plug tops.
I took current readings on each circuit breaker ... adding up to 23 amps
Lets say we didnt have a current clamp ... so we had to do calculations.
20 computers @ 250w (highest value) = 5000 watts
taking into consideration a 08 pf = 6250 va
rounded to 6.3 kva
Allow for a few extra unexpected devices to be plugged in for future.
lets say an 8 KVA inverter should do the job
Now we need batteries ...
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