The banana republic is in full swing again...
The banana republic is in full swing again...
We are in stage 4 load shedding.
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as I pressed enter last night my screen went off.
I cant prove it but it seems this load shedding is destroying devices ... I have customers who are loosing screens ... computers etc
Personally ... I have notice I have started getting purple lines across my TV and the external screen connected to the laptop.
as of today I have lost 2 hard drives in less than a month ... one started making a strange sound and the other the CCTV XVR has started beeping ... showing an error on the hard drive.
One of the data loggers I have in a DB in one of the factories ... I have noticed an issue with the power going to zero ... but during the outage ... it is recording 150 VAC for short bursts (like spikes) some as long as 10 minutes.
We have lost 2 VSD's in the CNC machines (at a cost of around R80K)
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so for some it might just be an inconvenience ... personally it doesnt both me ... but maybe because I have what I need ... to do what every it is I want to do during the outage ... but when it starts hitting the pocket ...
due to staff sitting around for 2 hours with full pay
equipment damage
having to wait hours to pre heat machines
breaking bits in machines due to the sudden lock
killing industries creating employment
and now creating wealth for the connected cadres ... it becomes a big problem.
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The scheduled load shedding where you don't have power for 2 - 4 hours at a time is wrecking the economy and is a disaster for factories.
As an example; moulding machines have to be cleaned out and the restarted. Old compound material have to be scraped out and thereafter the machine takes 2 - 4 hours to re-heat for production. The first two mould at least is wasted, as well as the material left behind from the shut down.
It is therefore not only the couple of hours production lost, but also the material cost and the time it takes to restart.
In my opinion it would be better to shut down for a full day in the week so that you can schedule your production around it and people do not have to sit around idle.
Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...![]()
I have the same problem with the CNC and the laser. The machines can't just continue where they stopped. I have to faff with the drawings and gcode to minimize the restarts damage.
I have 2 plastic injection moulding customers ... one is loosing tons of cash thanks to load shedding ... the other has to deal with load shedding ... cable theft and lack of maintenance.
One of the massive switches in the sub station blew about a year ago ... they still havent replaced it ... so it could off for an hour ... then 2 hours for load shedding ... then on the odd day it 12 hours is longest outage ... we talking entire industrial site (30 odd factories) go down.
The company has recently had to look at the looses and compare to the cost to relocate ... it its not far off ... the council property management teams have been in meetings with the council ... but almost 3 years later ... the issue have still not been resolved ... we are on standby for December just in case we need to relocate ... you would think these big property management groups would have some leverage to make things happen![]()
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
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