Please assist ,someone -easyfile -the forms viewer-1.3.1 just hangs when you go to declarations..it does not open..?what to do..?
Please assist ,someone -easyfile -the forms viewer-1.3.1 just hangs when you go to declarations..it does not open..?what to do..?
Hi Fareed. See the following suggestion from Dave A
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop "The Lion and the Mouse"
Hi Mike
Thank i'll try it.
Hi mike ,i tried it, it did not work. im using 1.3.1 ,what to do.?please help
Hi Fareed - I eventually chose the option to put figures in myself rather than import them from SARS and that worked for me.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop "The Lion and the Mouse"
I was going to say "try after normal working hours", but judging by the date and time of the post Fareed was trying on a Sunday
Are you sure the viewer has upgraded?
(I suspect that was the actual source of my problem - it looked like the upgrade had completed, but in reality it hadn't).
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Hi Mike,
thank you for that help.
then does it allow you to edit the emp501 and then file..?then must i go to submissions as normal..? (emp is saved ,but i cannot file..?)
hi dave ,
if it didn't how do i fix..? the viewer ...but is says ..1.3.1
Hi Fareed,
I suspect you are stuck doing it Mike's way if the upgrade of the viewer definitely worked.
The real bottom line is SARS needs to get its programming act together to stop these weird errors...
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Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
The correct version of Easyfile is currently 7.1.9 and the Forms viewer is still on 1.3.1. You have to make sure the forms viewer did update - by going to Utilities / System Config / and click on the "forms viewer" install. Make sure the path shows correctly after the installation.
always fear when Christel is near....
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