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Thread: To COC or not bad wiring

  1. #1
    Silver Member
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    To COC or not bad wiring

    Good day all
    I was called to a house to COC for a sale, a quick joppie

    The incoming 10mm airdeck cable, buried in the ground, split somewhere under the ground to an adjacent plot???
    The flat twin and earth wires are build into the walls and some are on the surface and plastered over??
    The flat twin and earth wires are in the cavity between the ceiling and corrugated roof. Not sure if there are junctions or not.
    I don't see any protection for the twin and earth that runs over the metal strips on which the ceiling is fitted
    Three and even 4 flat twin and earth wires are pulled into one 20mm conduit
    The DIN rail DB had been enlarged to accomodate a meter or samite breaker or something else
    The list goes on and on.... I had not even started testing the wiring in the building

    My diagnosis is to rewire everything but how do I do it without chasing the walls and open the roof or ceiling
    Will be going back for a few photos a bit later

    Stay safe

  2. #2
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    From a toppie

    Quote high enough that you do not get the job.

    If you do get the job, you going to make some money.

    That's how I operate and it works.

    Doesn't seem like a quick "jobbie"

    Peace out .. Derek.

  3. Thanks given for this post:

    Reginald (25-Oct-21)

  4. #3
    Junior Member
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    You talk about bad wiring. I went to do a coc, when I put my polarity tester in the plugs every light came on. I thought well this looks like an earth fault problem.
    I tested the db and found I had no reading between live and earth and 220v between neutral and earth.
    A long story short, when the council removed the meter and installed a pre paid meter the electrician
    Had the wires in the wrong terminals and put 220v through the the neutral instead of the live. Saving grace was this is a holiday cottage and no idea how many people had rented this place.

  5. #4
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lourie1251 View Post
    You talk about bad wiring. I went to do a coc, when I put my polarity tester in the plugs every light came on. I thought well this looks like an earth fault problem.
    I tested the db and found I had no reading between live and earth and 220v between neutral and earth.
    A long story short, when the council removed the meter and installed a pre paid meter the electrician
    Had the wires in the wrong terminals and put 220v through the the neutral instead of the live. Saving grace was this is a holiday cottage and no idea how many people had rented this place.
    Had that before brother. Live and neutral swopped in the roofbox.

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