Lets try something different ... this is not what the regs say ... I want t hear your opinion and how you feel it should be done.
Let me start.
Firstly there should be a cloud database ... where every single COC issued should be recorded ... which can be accessed by any accredited inspector.
So lets say you are a single phase tester ... you will have access to single phase COC's ... a master electrician will have access to all COC's.
My customer wants to buy a house ... he contacts me ... I download the COC from the database and review the document ... as most of you know ... details ...attached documents and numbers on the document are a good indication already to determine if the inspector actually visited the site.
yes I know of inspectors who use "teams" to go do a quick visual and maybe replace a broken lamp shade for example or as in the case where they arrived at the property I was renting ... replaced a 6" gallery bowl ... When I asked about the test ... I was told that the inspectors lives too far to come to site so they just do a quick "once over" ... "the property must be safe because we are living in it" ... eeeeeish.
If the customer wants to sell a property ... he would contact an inspector and request a price to carry out an inspection report ... which should be attached to the COC document ... and uploaded to the cloud.
An inspection report prices should be done per unit ... for example -
single phase DB - R300 or
3 phase 60 amp DB - R600
plug points R30 or R60
Light point R30
I don't see why we can't use a standard rate per point ... it makes no difference if the plug is 50 m away form the DB or 200 m
You could argue that a factory has a 9 m high roof is a challenge ... factory lighting would be a calculated ... I have never seen an inspector actually go up and test the factory lights ... but that's not the point of this thread.
The inspection report should be made up of multiple pages with all the details about every single circuit including the details the equipment installed ... otherwise why are we wasting our time and the customers money ... the inspection report should have enough detail that whoever it is sent to for quoting can generate from the details. ... a huge problem in the industry at the moment.
There should be a panel of advisors where queries can be posted ... so that when there is confusion about a regulation ... it can be discussed and cleared ... and a note attached to the COC if special conditions apply ... this I believe is the biggest issue in this industry at present ... some people just dont know any better ... I am fortunate that I have the AIA personal contact number which by the way I still use to query stuff when I am not sure about something as technology improves so I ask more questions ... and I have be doing this for many years ... so image what it must be like for a small business where one person on his/her own is trying to weave their way through this maize.
This whole COC fisco should scrapped until the industry can come up with a working solution ... and suitably skilled inspectors with adequate training ... and there should be a point system ... the more you attend legit training the more credits you get ... and the same goes for dodgy work ... you loose points for not doing training courses or accredited seminars.
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