What do you do ... you contact an electrical contractor and ask "how much to do a COC" and that is where the fight starts.

For F%^&& sakes people ... can who ever is responsible for "educating the public on the correct procedure get off your lazy A$$ and go do your job" ... the same tunes plays every day.

"The electrician is trying to rip me off ... he quoted R650 to do a COC and now now wants R10 000 to fix a long list of faults "

My advise ... tell him to go screw himself ... if he quoted R650 for a COC ... he must product a COC for R650 ... its that simple.

Until people start doing it right ... I dont feel sorry for electricians who offer to product a COC for R650 or R1500 ... I tell my customers to tell the fool go fly a kite.

If you are that stupid that you to do a COC for R1500 without first offering to carry out an inspection report ... I will see you in court with my customer.

The procedure is simple ... when a customer calls and requests a COC ... advise the customer that an inspection report is required first ... if the house passes the inspection report then issue the COC ... it is impossible to carry a inspection report and issue a COC for R650 ... somebody is either cutting corners which will make you as the seller look stupid or expect a long fault list to make up the real money

However another thing to take into consideration ... an inspector tests a property and writes ... no earth of light fitting ... incorrect wire size ... exposed wiring ... etc etc.

I get the report in the mail box ... I contacted the customer and informed him that an inspection report is required and this is how much it will cost ... the customer indicated that the list was the inspection report ... well sorry for you ... there is nothing I can do with a silly list which doesnt identify the location nor the regulation pointing out why it is unsafe.

Dont let these useless twits who call themselves electrical inspectors try make a quick buck.

We all know customers are are not aware of the pirates skimming the industry with R650-R1500 inspections ...knowing that the money will be made creating a long list of faults for silly things ... with a pathetic report which means nothing to anyone else.

My customers are getting smart ... they dont authourise the transfer until the COC is produced and checked. Most of my customers pay me to go and check the property once the COC is issued ... within a half and hour I am in and out.

We cant another plumbing/electrical company doing favours for a friend again.

FOr some people it is a life time investment ... dont be a fool.