It seems that SA - really the ANC, has never broken free of its historical ties to failed communism.
Historically I know the ANC was supported by the European communist states during the Cold War, especially East Germany as a Soviet proxy. However, that was now 30+ years ago. Why are we still seeing close alliances with tiny Cuba, careful ignoring of the fact that China is the source of the pandemic, and use of the familiar if tired and silly communist dogma? Recently, Deputy President Mabuza went to Russia for medical treatment. Russia? A few months ago I heard Minister Dlamini Zuma on TV saying 'we are all comrades.' No kidding. Ramaphosa even more recently used another old tired communist phrase - it was everybody's 'patriotic duty' to get a shot. And, the ruthless and recent criminal arrests by the state of hundreds of thousands of people, which wasn't seen anywhere else in the world, for breaking imposed curfews.
Global communism is responsible so far for the deaths of 100 million, why does the charade continue here?
Why can little or no news coverage in the country be found addressing such an odd thing?
SA is better than this. In Cape Town, I meet so many creative, hard-working and young business owners and risk-takers who could easily compete globally, if given the chance.
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