Short history. Electrical to the house were done in the 'old' days when electricity was still cheap. 3 Phase power were needed for the under tile heating system which has become redundant and VERY expensive to run.
My first reaction (to myself) was WHY do you want to do it. Wanted to add Solar and/or Generator but cannot afford to add it to everything. I do not want extension cords. The process to switch over must be VERY simple. So my idea was to have options to 'cut and paste'.
Biggest issue that I've had was to 'split' the neutral (BLACK) wire to be isolated by phase. What a mess, but I've done it and in the process numbered/marked and documented ALL the wires in the DB.
So now I have 3 Neutral bars (Completely isolated from each other).
I also now have 3 LIVE wires (completely isolated from each other) going to a) Outside buildings b) Heavy users like geysers, stove, water pump and aircon and c) plugs and lights in the house.
Attached see the picture of the layout up to the circuit breakers.
My request to the other DIY guys on the forum.
What would you do extra (or not do). Any comments (positive or negative) are welcome.
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