Hi guys
Let's say you charge per point.Say R450.
Is that 450 INCLUDING the cost of the wire for that point?
Or is that 450 the labour cost to install and connect the point?
Hi guys
Let's say you charge per point.Say R450.
Is that 450 INCLUDING the cost of the wire for that point?
Or is that 450 the labour cost to install and connect the point?
Going to depend how you worked out to R450.00 per point
There is no one price fits all and each installation should be measured and time estimated
Have attached a link to a previous post
I submitted a quote this morning and I've been asked to review it.
I included price of wire in materials cost and am charging per point.
Client says if I charge per point then he is paying fir the wire twice...
I have had beer or two...but maybe consider it and then discount it but state i then need 100% upfront. As a post from @Ians before is getting your money can be a difficult endeavour. So if the client is questioning your price structure / methods, or is flipping the coin a few times before commiting, it can sometimes and more often that not mean he /she will be difficult and then slow on payment, so getting the money upfront can help mitigate issues down the road.
As said had a couple dops but hope there is a nugget in there that is useful![]()
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I never reduce my quote.
If you really need the job, tell the client that you will beat any other quote by 5% if he shows you the quote.
The chances are 50/50 that he will accept your original quote, alternatively you will find out how your opposition is quoting.
😉😉 Peace out .. Derek
You need to measure out each point and get a breakeven cost of material and allow for labour.
If you know what the actual cost is for the contract you can negotiate or walk away from the contract - If you are guessing at what you should charge you could come horrible short.
We are on a contract and our per point price varies from R 280 per point on some points, to 350 on others , to 700 on some and an extreme couple of points at 3 800.00 .
We also have a separate allowance for Travel , supervision , stores and GBA .
Thanks all for the replies.
I see it's not easy to quote on electrical installations.
Client told me he does not have any other quotes so he cannot compare my price to others.
I believe my price is fair for both parties.
Charging a bit less for plug points that are in cavity walls as opposed to those in single walls that need to be chased.
I've added 15% markup on material to cover me for sudden price increases ie wire.
I've added up all plug points (47), light switch points, light points etc and multiplied by a rate per point that I know is just below the going rate in my area.
Just myself and 1 assistant. Minimal overheads as I am just starting out still.
Will see how it turns out. Trial and error with my quoting now initially I suppose.
Material mark up is another issue ... some will charge 25-30 % on the "list" price ... other will charge 25-30% on their discounted price ... 15% on the material list price would be a good deal.
A tip from someone who has been doing this for a long long time and has all the TEE shirts ... in different colours ... sizes and quality ... I have had highs were I take home R240K for 2 months work ... when I say work ... I dont mean playing games like 7 am to 4.00 pm ... I mean busting my a$$ off ... companies call me in when they have deadlines and large sum penalties ... for example one project ... the daily penalties were R150 per day ... so paying me R240k for 2 months work is pocket money to make sure the project is completed on the due date ... with that comes literally living on site for that period ... no family time ... no social braais on a Saturday afternoon ... I have completed every single project on time.
Then you get the bad months ... I went through a bad patch ( like burn out) promises of a big contract which never materialised ... just promises ... which resulted in me putting off other projects ... to a point that I lost a lot of customers ... I ended up getting ill ... we all know what happens if you cant work as a small business ... my lights and water were cut for 8 months ... I used water from my portable pool to sponge shower everyday ... it was a difficult time for my family ... i have slept in a hole in the ground for weeks at a time ... survived on 8 litres of water in 35 + degrees heat ... to drink ... wash and mix with my food ... so busting my butt off for 2-6 months ...eating take aways and drinking cappuccinos ... is like a living in a hotel.
My point of this jibba jabba ... it all boils down to you as an individual ... you can do anything ... charge any rate you want to ... by this I mean ... if you believe this is a good opportunity ... sometimes taking a knock to get going or get your foot in the door ... is what you need to do ... you loose some you win some ... you never win them all.
My advise to you is be prepared for what is to come ... good or bad ... dont trust anyone ... that old saying a man of his word ... is old myth ... there is very few of us left who still live by our word.
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
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