If there is one thing that makes me really mad then it is when people lie for no reason. I set up a job today and it was all good. My worker had to perform an operation on the job and when I walked up he pointed out that a part was broken - I found this odd because I set the job up and there was no reason for him to notice a tiny fracture let alone point it out to me. I asked him if he broke it and of course he knew nothing. The part wasn't particularly important so I left it at that. I then went to go and fetch the result from the job 2 hours later and I noticed that the whole thing was skew. On further inspection I found that the job was out by the thickness of the broken part. Interesting - given that I had set the job up using a spirit level 2 hours before. The only way that the job could have gone out by that thickness is if the worker broke the part and tried to cover his tracks. If he told me what really happened I could have re-leveled the job and no harm would have been done other than the one broken part - now I have a broken part and a large trashed job. This is why I hate having staff - there was no need for him to lie to me - the lie compounded the problem. I am so sick and tired of this sort of nonsense - Why does one have to be a babysitter all day long - then I may as well just do everything myself.
I expect a lot of flak from certain quarters for the fact that the guy lied to me - (supposedly all employees are just misunderstood) - aye well, knock yourself out - the fact remains that he had no reason to lie - he did it because lying seems to be an instinctive impulse for some people (in my view)
My question is this: Why do some people lie instinctively for no reason?
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