Howzit guys. How does the department of labour send the wireman license back to the applicant? Do they contact you first and send via post office ??
Howzit guys. How does the department of labour send the wireman license back to the applicant? Do they contact you first and send via post office ??
Yes that's how I got mine last year.
I waited many months because of covid. Hopefully for you will be quicker.
Thanks . How long did u have to wait ?
Think was about 6 months. But as I said was in middle of lock down and covid.
Apparently normally takes about 6 weeks.
They sent mine via postnet. Try keep in touch with them and get a tracking number to follow when they send.
I also still waiting for mine im on week 5 NOW,will start calling next week or go to pretoria DOL where I submitted my docs.
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