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Thread: Social modern media and bad advice

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    Social modern media and bad advice

    One of THE fundamental problems with modern media and the notion of free speech is that bad advice gets dished out and taken at face value.

    The most important lesson anybody can learn in life to to recognize what it total rubbish and what is not.

    Be careful whose opinions you trust!

    It all goes back to credentials: I trust those who have the appropriate EDUCATION, experience and most of all PROVEN LONG TERM SUCCESS!

    ...the rest is just "low signal to noise" - "Static"

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    tec0 (09-May-21)

  3. #2
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    One of THE fundamental problems with modern media and the notion of free speech is that bad advice gets dished out and taken at face value.

    The most important lesson anybody can learn in life to to recognize what it total rubbish and what is not.

    Be careful whose opinions you trust!

    It all goes back to credentials: I trust those who have the appropriate EDUCATION, experience and most of all PROVEN LONG TERM SUCCESS!

    ...the rest is just "low signal to noise" - "Static"
    Google ZS2J and see who that callsign belongs to.

    Yours truly knows everything anyone needs to know about REAL signal to noise ratio and static.

    PS. Photo of yours truly's radio shack.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Photo-0094.jpg 
Views:	250 
Size:	65.4 KB 
ID:	8181Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Photo-0042.jpg 
Views:	252 
Size:	59.6 KB 
ID:	8182

    Peace out ... Yours truly.

  4. #3
    Diamond Member
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    What does this have to do with the topic at hand?

  5. #4
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    I don't know. You tell us what noise and static has to do with the subject. You keep on mentioning it.

    Thought you were referring to radio signals. You know, transmissions and receptions of which some of us are quite familiar.

    Oh well, I must have misunderstood you.

    Some of us were communicating with the world long before cell phones and the internet was even invented.

    Please accept my humble apologies for the misunderstanding.

    Peace out ... Yours truly.

  6. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
    I don't know. You tell us what noise and static has to do with the subject. You keep on mentioning it.

    Thought you were referring to radio signals. You know, transmissions and receptions of which some of us are quite familiar.
    "Signal to noise ratio" in a social media context is an issue we identified in the early days of TFSA. In essence, what we saw with many sites chasing volume of participation is that it was very difficult to find the "useful content" amidst all the "chatter".

    The challenge of keeping a thread "on topic" and not being overrun by a side issue was also identified as a similar problem that kept cropping up in social media.

    From the outset the objective on TFSA was to create a culture that encouraged "signal" and did not promote "noise". The objective was quality rather than quantity from the outset. For the most part, this philosophy shows through in the content of the site. Every now and then it gets derailed some...

    Hopefully this helps.

  7. #6
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Thanks for that explanation, Dave.
    Much appreciated.

    Peace out
    Last edited by Derlyn; 11-May-21 at 08:52 AM.

  8. #7
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    Social media is literally toilet of the internet. It is just a joke

  9. #8
    Diamond Member
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    I had an interesting one this week. I purchase loads of stuff from a particular supplier in Cape Town (I've been doing so for the past 15 odd years) - Great people, great service and great products. The head office is in Johannesburg and the head office recently updated the website. They published a FAQ on the website earlier this week and of course me being me (Information wh*r3) had to go read the entire FAQ. This wasn't such a good idea because the same questions are repeated in the FAQ with slightly different wording, some answers are terse when they require more situational explanation and of course some answer are just plain wrong. I pointed out to them that they need to check and proofread their FAQ as a comment to the Facebook post where they posted about the FAQ. Now I would have thought that they would have messaged me direct and asked me whether I could point the issues out and if it would be possible for me to remove my comment on their post. I would have said great, no problem, I will do as you ask. All that they did was to delete my comment and ignore me.

    So look, I am not their proofreader nor do I don't work for them - I do care for them though as strange as it may look (maybe because I've grown close to the two ladies that I always deal with)...I digress...

    It is sad to see that a great company will publish incorrect information, probably compiled by a junior, and allow the IT department to publish the information and then to block anybody from pointing out the errors in the information and thus not allowing the information to be corrected. I am not getting any deeper into it - it is their company and their choice.

    My take away is this: Do not trust information that companies publish on the own pages - When a user (aka me) can spot that the information is glaringly wrong then their is something seriously wrong in the management of the company.

  10. #9
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    @adrian, yes it is frustrating how little attention business people give to their frontline advertising. We are not advertising guru's but a snr person from the business should check that information is correct and get someone to check the grammar and spelling. The horrendous mistakes on websites and social media just gives a bad image to the business.

    Often, advertising and promotion is outsourced and the person working on the account has no idea of the technicalities of the product, does not understand their market etc. A transport or logistics business or a manufacturer will require different advertising from a retail outlet. I have seen product pictures posted upside down, wrong product name or description. It is the same as employing an incompetent person as a receptionist/telephonist with no social skills or even manners, just because they are cheap. Your front line and image is very important, so make an effort to do it right.
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

  11. #10
    Diamond Member
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    The reality ... people just dont give a shyte anymore.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

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