This sound so much like a pyramid scheme. The language that is used (world dominance, big returns, etc) is not evangelical, but promises big returns for investors for some pie in the sky concept that is a big secret until it will be revealed that the guy has run off with your money.
Why the secrecy? The Bible teaches us that Lord hides nothing and does not conceal anything from us. Yes, and the top management of this organization will have a yacht, a Lear jet and all the luxuries that his self-made god will bestow on him. This is not how God works and scamming people is not what God wants us to do!
There are so many biblical quotes about light and concealing darkness, but I will leave you with this one:
Proverbs 28:13
Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.
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