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Thread: Timeless (Infinite Galaxies TM) Investment Launch 2020 on Chirstmast!

  1. #1
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    Timeless (Infinite Galaxies TM) Investment Launch 2020 on Chirstmast!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	A Timeless Nation Share Certificate Add Gold.jpg 
Views:	1668 
Size:	61.2 KB 
ID:	8019

    Make sure not miss our ATN Invesment launch scheduled for Chirstmast! Not to be missed ... only one company will ever do what Timeless is about to do, share it with your friends and family, they all should be part of this and attend the launch! 2020 Investment launch is only for South Africans 🇿🇦, we will allow international investors in 5 years at our second Timeless Summit, thank you. 🔱™️ #TimelessInvestmentSummitRSA2020

    Website registration: 🔥
    Facebook event:
    Whatsapp ATN Investors Notification Group: 🔥

    P.S. This image is just for advertising purposes, our company registration number will be on our official share certificates. ✍️

  2. #2
    Diamond Member
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    You know, for all your websites and Facebook pages and stuff.....I have absolutely no idea what you are on about. All that I can see is that you want money for some far off vague promise. There is lots of hype but zero substance! Quoting the bible is fine and dandy but I ain't parting with my money for some or other evangelical tangent with zero idea where the money is going to go - If you plan to buy a car - great - at least tell us.

    Come on, cut to the chase and cut the evangelical nonsense - give us the business facts!

  3. #3
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    You know, for all your websites and Facebook pages and stuff.....I have absolutely no idea what you are on about. All that I can see is that you want money for some far off vague promise. There is lots of hype but zero substance! Quoting the bible is fine and dandy but I ain't parting with my money for some or other evangelical tangent with zero idea where the money is going to go - If you plan to buy a car - great - at least tell us.

    Come on, cut to the chase and cut the evangelical nonsense - give us the business facts!
    Unfortunately i cant leave out the evangalistic stuff, as GOD in the center of everything we are doing and its His plan not mine and for some reason He chose me to lead it and gave me the vision in crazy story no one will ever believe, but it doesn't matter to me who believes in this and who doesn't... all that matters to me is that i believe God will honor this all the way. He reveals it to me as i keep on going in faith. But for you ill try and just keep it business so you can make a business decision as an investor @adrianh

    Timeless will be built on these 5 pilar companies (The Timeless Engine)
    Timeless Concepts (Dream)
    Timeless Holdings (Vision)
    Timeless Ministries/Operations (God)
    Timeless Investments (Future)
    Timeless Empires (Reality) - This will be 54 departments run by what i call the DTEngine (Dream Team Engine)
    - Share holders, management, staff and timeless investors to give breath description.
    These 5 pilars make up Infinte Galaxies TM. Infinite Galaxies TM derived from God telling me He is the GOD of Infinite Galaxies and TM stands for (Timeless Monopoly). Thats the name GOD wanted.

    To achieve something as big as Timeless is aiming for, to achieve something no one has ever achieved, requires doing something that has never been done. Timeless was built on giving, not receiving and yet it will gain more than any company/organization/government has ever gained.

    What we will do with the R2.5 million we raise from investments (2020/2021) and R2.5million from 49% sales of Timeless CSM (in 2021/2022) is fund operations for the next two years after which Timeless revenues will kick in and it will be self sufficient.

    I'm expecting 10 000 investors each investing now R250, no more, no less. its the number of light in darkness and the first number God lead me to in abook about the it's time prayers, after i had the vision of Timeless and me and God started building it (writing the plans, creating models etc.). I'm still asking God if people can invest more than R250, because i dont think He wants that not for the first share release and as far as i know its only R250 per person now, the international shares launch in 5 years you can buy as many as want, God wants as many people to share in Timeless as possible, but there is no in South Africa that will not benefit from Timeless and later it will spand other nations God chose to...

    Here is the business facts and plans of Timeless i will reveal for you:
    Next 2-5 years
    Timeless CSM - Ecams our sport software for schools, that is already ready running in a school in East London will rollout into schools nationally (if we get 1 out of every 100 schools in SA, Timeless will make R1.85 million revenue just on installations, with a further R1.5 million in yearly support fees) and will start further development for sports club, provinces and national, CSM Connect, CSM live , its a complete sports management solution to run nation sports development and promotion. We creating a 1 solution, integrated network. I expect revenues in SA to reach over 100M and worldwide it will be billions after Timeless International is built and we do worldwide rollouts. Our goal is to put a team together to complete this in the next 5 years for South African rollout. But ecams v 1 we will start rolling out next year already with a target of 250 schools out of 26k schools in SA, after which we will set new targets. So far i have spoken to 3 other schools in East London and all 3 where interested in working with Timeless and using it in there schools, one just didn't have money, the sports director wanted it, that is where the government contracts come in with partner we are looking to sell the 49% shares to. This is my company within Gods company, but i believe so much in Timeless im putting my 51% completely in Timeless as source to fund it and develop and test TWEiegn (The WhatsOn Engine) theories. Just found this to show you, havent even watch the video the Eastern Cape allone was allocated 70million for sports and recreation . I saw a news article where it showed billions allocated to the Eastern Cape alone, cant remember the exact amount think it was in the daily dispatch. Altho the government can be a big source of funding, Timeless doesn't need them, they are actually last on our list of funders, if they don't come onboard they will be left behind.

    Timeless Essentials - We will basically give these to people to pay off and keep and keep 7% in each of the stores that go up in the franchise and Timeless will become its coner stone for these stores. Timeless will make its real money from the core timeless product range that each franchise will have to store and get from Timeless HO.

    Timeless Brands - We launching with our first 3/4 timeless shirts desings early next year which we already have our manafucturing partner in our scope for worldwide distribution. It will be a set representing God but so cool its gonna make people drool

    TN250 investment network - Next year we will start development on TN250 investment network, hopening to complete it by end next year but i have set a 2 year deadline cause we wanna do it right. It will be a place where people can invest a monthly recommended amount of R250 (more if they wish but in multiples of R250) where people will be able to invest in Timeless Companies and in there own Business Startups and Idees, web property and real estate developments Timeless will be undertaking and earn money in another way i can not disclose till it is live for obvious reasons. Timeless will also be investing in properties they will rent out to business they help start. I call it the land of opportunity, where dreams become reality.

    Timeless Investments - Timeless will fund a bunch of peoples business startups and only keep 7% in any business they help startup, and be the corner stone of each and every business that is started by Timeless Investments. There is Godly reason for every number we use in Timeless, thats why i say God cant be left out of this. Timeless makes its money by helping the economy boom and services it will offer the business they help start up. Part of the agreement is to do monthly financial submissions and growth plans so Timeless can assist where its needed. Timeless Investments will also invest in Timeless own Timeless Concepts we already have so many companies planned all we need is the fuel injection and infrastructure to start them.

    Timeless CBS (Complete Business Services) - It is call centre/service/project team we will be creating to create work for all the business we help startup and give a timeless solution to our timeless' client base that will start growing.

    Timeless Watches - I have the vision and partner for that will help us get these made just before our international investment launch... I expect these to sell for 250k per watch. Yes the first ones will be targeted at the rich and famos thats where the money is and it will be the perfect way to make a noise before our International Investment launch.

    International Share Launch in 5 years - Timeless 5 year goal and second International Share launch will be raising R250 million. 1 share will go at R250 then, people that invest now get 40. You pay for 20, Timeless is paying for the other 20. (God is)

    After 5 years Timeless will start paying out dividends to share holders and only then they can start tradiing there shares, we expect the value to have increased 40 times by then but from there it goes logarathimic to a value you wont believe. If Timeless just grows as big as Apple in the next 20 years, 40 shares will be worth R64 million but Timeless is aiming for a bunch bigger target about 30 times that. God gave me the figure and do not doubt we will achieve it. We are building Timeless TN250 for investors to make quicker returns which i explained earlier and our 10k investors will get first invites there to invest in more Timeless plans and the things i mentioned earlier.

    With the 250million we raise and revenue being generated after 5 years, we will start building:
    Timeless South Africa in Bloem
    Timeless Africa in Pretoria
    Timeless International in CT.
    Timeless Stock Exchange in JHB.
    Timeless HO/ TriMark HO will be in East London.
    Timeless Empires will go at Timeless South Africa, right in the center of South Africa to make operations timeless.
    Timeless World Trade Center will come later. Not sure where this is going yet, GOD will reveal that with perfect timing.

    The WhatsOn Engine - which Timeless will patent, is where Timeless began, and not only will it make Timeless a monopoly it will make the world a timeless and productive place and if you dont plug into it, you will get plugged out and be left behind. Imagine it at as a software solution for the world done in a way never done before but its more work and needs a bigger team than ever before and some Godly wisdom. Geared software solutions running on the 3 major gears that will make this software work timelessly. I expect revenue of Timeless to grow 10 fold once we roll this out. Just to show you what coolness TWEiegn will bring i already designed the vision for Timeless Monopoly that will run on the TWEiegn network. It will be roled out in travel, retail, bnbs, distributions, clubs etc. etc. not one market it can not reach and will not reach as we start releasing more and more phases of it, it will be done in Phased Releases which i have already drafted the first phases for. Imagine playing real life monopoly, its coming! and everyone will be able to join in! It will be built on Timeless BAP Models, i cant disclose that, we will apply for all the patents for TWEiegn and Timeless in the next 5 years. Timeless will start development on this in 5 years after theories have been tested on the Timeless CSM sports network.SImply put when TWE starts rolling out, by yourself you will be left behind, but with us you will be stronger than ever... everything is gonna become Timeless. I estimate R2.4 billion cost and 5-10 year development on this to get it ready for release and about a 100 programmers. I will only have the proper analysis of that after me and COO have specced everything in the coming period after the first Timeless shift (20/20 Investment Launch). TWEiegn - (The WhatsOn Engine - Information Exchange Gateway Network) is where the vision for Timeless began... when God asked me why He wasnt in the middle and i put Him in the middle and i couldn't believe what i saw that night... and since then we (me and God) have been writing the plans for this. GOD started way before that, as we will reveal at our investment launch.

    Trimark computing - We will form TriMark which goal is to write TIT architecture and give us all the resources and experties to get this done. TriMark will build the worlds first 1 Penta-Hertz, 256bit, Tri-Core computer expected to reach 1 Quadrillion executions per second. Currently the worlds fastest personal computer does 2 billion exectuions per second. TWEiegn will run on them as servers and we will start distributing them world wide. TriniG will be 3rd mission of TriMark's mission statement.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	TriMark Tri-Core Computer Specs.png 
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ID:	8028

    Timeless Infrastructure will have small to large offices in every city of South Africa with Timeless Certified Technicians in every city in preperation for CSM and TWE rollouts. We plan to use Regus Business Centre for alot of our small offices that might even just have one person when we start expanding to SA cities.

    The Engine driving Timeless - The 3 engines of Timeless (The Timeless Engine, The Dream Team Engine, The WhatsOn Engine) will drive Timeless all the way to where we are aiming for. 10% of all timeless profit/shares will go to Timeless Ministries (RFC Ministries) and Timeless will build Timeless Foundation as-well that will be managed by a seperate department of Timeless Empires called Timeless Round Table.

    I have gotten this far just by faith, for me faith and Timeless is the same thing.

    Why should you part with your money with your money as you say and invest?
    1. Timeless Will making the South Africa economy boom... revive it from the dead into a world leader.
    2. Timeless will make SA the financial capital of the world with our goal of achieving this in 20 years. God shows me timelines but only He knows the true timing, i try and plan according to 20 yrs on things GOD shows me.
    3. Timeless will works towards Day Zero with its politcal department Timeless Action (Revival Party) campaigning for government with a plan to work towards Day Zero = 0% VAT, 0% Income Tax, 0 Company Tax%, 0% Inflation (Will be repalced with real growth) for all ATN/SA Citizens. Would you like never to pay taxes again personal or company taxes? This might not be possible with a plan from man, but with a plan from God it is possible , with Timeless it is possible. There is a way to keep world inflation of our shores even, that God revealed to me. We will build Timeless World Trade Center for that to control the trade deficit of imports and exports. SA will stay deflated but keep on growing, while it doesn't even matter how big world inflation grows we will still be living the best scenario man can live. Every cent you earn in SA, you will take home eventually, ever cent your company makes profit you will take home eventually it will be progressive towards that as Timeless plans start kicking in. Now aint that a dream for SA? it didn't come from me...
    3. Your investment will look after your generations to come. About 10% of the share value will be paid out yearly and will be passed on to your family if something happens to you
    4. When Timeless is in full swing, new Timeless Companies, and business, jobs will be created almost every day, maybe even every day.
    5. If you dont invest its your lost not mine, i know the funds is coming GOD told me. But i would love to have you onboard.

    Now i can confidently SA, Timeless target is about 30 times the size of Apple, if you dont have faith, it doesn't matter i do and i know God is taking us there. You as a business man investor can decide based on what i just told you. Timeless will even keep on growing after we hit our target... the only time Timeless will stop growing is when Jesus come lol, or when we ran out of space on earth lol... but by then Elon Musk should have sorted out habitation on Mars for us lol. Timeless shares will be know as infinity shares and the ones we releasing with the 2020 launch is double infinity shares cause someone was suppose to pay for the other 20, but God said Hell cover that and the plans are there to do just that i'm waiting for Gods confirmation.

    Timeless is basically becoming middleman to the world and once TWE rolls out world wide we will be a monopoly greater than Google and Facebook, to tell you the truth when TWE rolls out its plug-in or get plugged-out, if Facebook and Google dont plug-into TWE they will be plugged out and Timeless will develop its own Search Engine and Social Media website to replace them... instead we gonna offer them the plans to plug-in and grow and be stronger with us. Even David Crous Timeless recruitee for CFO said to me when Facebook comes to us with a blank check we will ignore them, and send them the plans to plug in or get plugged out and be left behind, because nothing will be able to compete with the TWEiegn productivity engine unless they join us (Plug-in via a API). There will even be TWEiegn certified engineers network and training for developers to write software that plugin to the IEGN of the TWE network. Timeless is about infinite growth working together not about putting people out of jobs. #Unity

    That is as much as i can reveal for now... the foundations of Timeless is solid and God gives me visions and now since Salome joined me this month Timeless first starff member, He is giving her visions aswell...

    A final word why to invest, Invest cause you want to be part of something great. We in the process of securing a domain for our investors as-well, where we will put up a private forum and reveal things we wont show other people, we expecting 10k people on it till the international investors join.

    Thats what the investment launch is for Timeless is to big to explain in one response and we cant let everyone know what we are doing, they just gonna have to watch it unfold. Your either a Timeless Believer or your not... if you are there will be some sick benefits for Timeless investors as-well like going on the Timeless yach / Timeless jet on trips with to overseas for TWE rollouts, we will finilize the plans for that in the next 5 years , me and Timeless Chief Operations Officer Deon Haasbroek that will join the team next year, amongst a few other when we have the fund, we will continue to write the plans and business models while all the 2-5 year Timeless plans/companies take off. Yes there will be a yacht and private yet at Timeless International and a Dream Team bus at Timeless HO in EL. A helicopter at Timeless SA and Timeless HO, Timeless Africa.

    Our Timeless shirts and clothing range. We Ill give u a sneak peak just so u can see we creating real products, top quality products.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Timeless Lion Of Judah Design - Original Design (NO-BG).jpg 
Views:	1693 
Size:	19.9 KB 
ID:	8029 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Timeless Lion Of Judah Design - Hot Red (NO-BG).jpg 
Views:	1704 
Size:	20.5 KB 
ID:	8031 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Timeless Lion Of Judah Design - Wired Blue (NO-BG).jpg 
Views:	1677 
Size:	19.9 KB 
ID:	8030 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Timeless Lion Of Judah Design - Go Green (NO-BG).jpg 
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ID:	8032

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	NEXT LEVEL.jpg 
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ID:	8033

  4. #4
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    The second design will come in variations as-well. The first design resembles the Lion of Judah (Jesus), the second design resembles the decent of the holy spirit and God will still give us 2 more designs to complete this Timeless set. The 4 will resemble. The Father, The Son and the holy spirit, and GOD the 3 in 1.

    All Timeless designs are symbolic, but modern! They will be distributed worldwide with the first set of 4 and later more designs as God gives them to us. These are just prototypes, our designer will put the final touches on them before they are sent to manufacture, i designed these and im not even a designer, but through Christ i can do anything... call it mambo jumbo, but people that think like thats chune will be chaining once they start seing what is happening with Timeless, what only a company achieve with God in the middle, Who is the corner stone of Timeless and the center of Timeless, and the reason for Timeless. I cant leave Him out, no matter if i try... He will be involved in everything that is happening with Timeless.

    We have secured 3 sites for the launch, why? because God is the trintiy and we doing things His way... once again it wasn't even my plan it just worked out that way listening to GOD, so if you want to see more you are welcome to register... an see what God wants us to reveal at the launch, i have so much to do before December 25th and i cant do it without Gods help, but i know will get done! He is the waymaker. I'm the offerstressed worker, but God is coming through everytime now when i need Him to come through.

    We have secured about 7 domains of the 22 domains i have identified just for the foundation of Timeless foundation plans.
    I will secure the 8th domain just before the launch, the rest we will secure after the investment launch.

    Hope this gives you what you want to know? @adrianh thats the best i can do for you now to let you in abit more about Timeless. I walk by faith not by sight so for me the evangelatic stuff is Timeless. You dont want to God stuff, well there is the business stuff now try and explain that to people .... i think i just did a good job At the end of the day Timeless is about GOD, and world will talk abou this, ill advise you to book yourself a seat in the investors corner its one of the best seats, but ill leave you to make your own choice... Timeless is happening

    P.S. Now my fingers are tired of typing, had to split it in to my reply was to long lol

  5. #5
    Diamond Member
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    Too much waffle...I'm not reading all of that.

    Give it to us in a paragraph - clear and concise without all the evangelical fluff... come on - your bank manager wants the numbers, nothing else!

    Apple can do it - We sell overpriced phones, computers, tablets and software to people and we lock them into terrible contracts so that they have to upgrade every year.

    Samsung can do it - We sell phones, washing machines and tumble dryers to people.

    Facebook can do it - We shove advertising down everybody's throats while wasting their time.

    YouTube can do it - We let people upload videos and then we bomb the people who watch those video with mindless advertising.

    See, you can boil it down too!

  6. #6
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    Too much waffle...I'm not reading all of that.

    Give it to us in a paragraph - clear and concise without all the evangelical fluff... come on - your bank manager wants the numbers, nothing else!

    Apple can do it - We sell overpriced phones, computers, tablets and software to people and we lock them into terrible contracts so that they have to upgrade every year.

    Samsung can do it - We sell phones, washing machines and tumble dryers to people.

    Facebook can do it - We shove advertising down everybody's throats while wasting their time.

    YouTube can do it - We let people upload videos and then we bomb the people who watch those video with mindless advertising.

    See, you can boil it down too!
    @adrianh please note when you insult Timeless your not insulting me your insulting GOD, if you bold enough for that keep at it and see what GOD does... small things amuses small minds. From your response i can see Timeless isn't for you, don't know why i wasted my time trying to explain it to you but thanks atleast now i have a reply for people that are really interested. Go on invest in one of those small companies with small returns. Timeless is for those who has faith in a living God.

    Timeless sells everything good, is that simple enough for you? God loves you. That was the simple version. Ta

  7. #7
    Diamond Member
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    I am not insulting anybody - I am simply asking YOU to tell me in one simple paragraph WITHOUT any FLUFF where my money is going.

    This is NOT rocket science!

  8. #8
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    I am not insulting anybody - I am simply asking YOU to tell me in one simple paragraph WITHOUT any FLUFF where my money is going.

    This is NOT rocket science!
    Looks like my reply was rocket science to you, and you are being arrogant and insulting. No body forced you to invest or even asked you for your oppinion, if you cant add something positive please dont reply on my posts. I explained EXACTLY to you WHERE THE MONEY IS GOING, AND MUCH MORE... maybe stop being lazy and go read. Or just stop commenting on my post, you spoiled my day yesterday not let you spoiling my day today. All the best to you, if you have a problem with God take it up with Him not me, i'm just doing as He instructed to me, and getting some exposure for Timeless. The investment launch is where we will reveal to people a bunch of other stuff, but you cant even wait for that, yet you have lots to say. So if you have nothing positive to add, please go make your own thread where u can hate on God. God didn't answer my prayers for 21 years until He showed me why and the vision for Timeless, so if you think my life was sunshine and roses not at all, i lived in hell until God showed me the vision of light in darkness. So i do understand, but it doesn't meen i have to entertain this... you didn't even read my reply, yet you say you dont know where the money is going. It was explained clearly...

  9. #9
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    I blocked this person thus we will have no further interaction.

  10. #10

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