bjsteyn, I'm afraid I just cannot believe you and this is why;
1. Your actions, language and the way you hard-sell this secret idea of yours is not Christian at all.
2. You expect people to give you money for some "scheme" that will make everyone rich and powerful, including yourself. That is not the acts and conduct of a true Christian. Rather more of an attempt to create a pyramid scheme.
3. From your comments and references it appears as if you do not have a proper grasp and knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus. Have you studied the Holy Bible at all?
4. You talk about God as if He is your personal assistant, no respect at all.
5. Your dreams of world domination and wealth. Is the airplane and yacht your "prize" for all your hard work? Your entitlement?
And now you want us to believe that God created the conjuncture of Jupiter and Saturn as your own "Bethlehem Star" to announce your arrival! Are you smoking something?
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